Free Study Guide for the NASM CPT Exam Chapter 19 – Lifestyle Modification and Behavioral Coaching

Compare with Figure 19.1 Stages of Change Model and Know the stages of Change


  • No intention of change
  • Does not exercise
  • No intention to start within 6 months
  • Information and Education is best with this stage


  • Thinking about being active in the next 6 months
  • Listen to what they need
  • Still need information and education before starting anything


  • They exercise at times but want to commit to an exercise program within 1 months time
  • No set routine
  • Have unrealistic goals
  • Help them clarify their goals (SMART)


  • Started to exercise
  • Has not maintain behavior for 6 months
  • Keep providing them with education
  • Develop steps for overcoming any obstacles they may have


  • Change has been in place for 6 months or more.
  • Still can be tempted by old habits


Be familiar with the initial session

You have 20 seconds to make a great first impression. Body language is the first thing they notice from the trainer. It is important to keep moving on a positive note, by building a relationship with the client. Discuss their health concerns and also when setting goals, make sure to verbalize and write down SMART goals. Reviewing previous exercise history is also very important. Finalizing the program expectations to help clients anticipate the process that will take place.



Effective Communication skills

Effective communication is important as it helps to enhance the client experience. Ensuring they are aware of what will be expected of them during their time in the gym and out, will lead to a more successful outcome. Also this will help them to understand your policies and training style.

Nonverbal communication: What you think and feel is worn by your body at all times. Be attentive with your body in order to create the positive environment for communication.

Active Listening: Listen to what the client has to say and respond appropriately. When the client knows you are listening you prove to them you care about their thoughts and feelings.

Ask Questions: Responding to your clients with appropriate questions will ensure effective communication. Open-ended questions give the client a chance to express their views while closed-ended questions require a one word answer.

Reflecting: A reflection reiterates what a client has said to ensure them you understand what they are communicating.

Summary: A summary is a complete recap of what was meant to be said over the course of a conversation.



Goal setting- cheap xenical no rx SMART Goals


  • Anyone can understand the goal
    • I want to lose 10lbs


  • I will you record the progress, what will you use to keep track on the goal?
    • Scale, Circumference Measurements, Body Analyze


  • Is it scientifically possible for the client to get this goal? You want to challenge the client and push them but you don’t want to make it impossible.


  • Will they put in the effort to finish the goal? Basically can the client commit for the goal they are trying to reach.


  • Deadline, Due Date. By creating this you push them to stay on track and keep them focus for the final day.
    • 3 months


Example of a SMART GOAL

  • I want to lose 10lbs of my total weight in 12 weeks



Cognitive Strategies and Positive Self talk

They are three forms of if strategies that can be found Positive Self Talk, Psyching Up and Imagery. These strategies are to help clients mind and attitude change positively to do a certain workout or an activity they don’t want to try or are too afraid to even give it an attempt.

Positive Self Talk: Find things that they like and try for them to feel the same way when it comes to working out. In the fitness world many people have negative thoughts about exercises, workouts and even the equipment. Creating a list with the client to keep handy when a negative situation comes across, focus more on the positive then the negative.

Psyching Up: Find the motivation that drives your clients. Even if it’s something that pumps them up outside of fitness. A song that they can’t help my jam too or an event they want to get ready for. Finding the ability to keep your client motivated during workouts especially a new client will change the emotion they have towards doing exercises. If they are happy and enjoying them when they are with you then slowly they will adapt that feeling when doing another physical activity as well.


Exercise Imagery

Imagery: Using the imagination can also help, by having the clients picture themselves doing something over and over again they start to believe they can. Eventually finally giving the exercise a try. Using the mind isn’t something commonly seen but it’s very affective.