How Personal Trainers Will Know When They’re Ready to Open a Gym

Ready to open a gym

How Personal Trainers Will Know When They’re Ready to Open a Gym

Not sure if you are ready to take the leap from employee to boss? This guide will help you answer some hard questions about your ability to make the transition to a business owner. Because let’s face it, isn’t the goal of all personal trainers to go out on their own?

Today we will cover a few different aspects of gym ownership as well as make some assumptions about the type of gym you’ll be opening. For starters, we’ll look at the following three areas:

  1. Financial Development
  2. Personal Development
  3. Business Skillsets

There are plenty of articles on opening a gym that will tell you “put a business plan together” or “figure out your credit score.” This is not one of them.

After reading through this you should be able to answer the following questions about yourself:

  • Do I know the estimated costs of running my business each month?
  • Do I know how much revenue I’ll be making given my current client workload?
  • Do I actually have what it takes to be a business owner/entrepreneur?
  • Do I have the business skillsets required to carry out running a business or can I afford to hire professionals who do?

Assumptions about Personal Trainers who are Considering Opening a Gym

Let’s make some assumptions about you, the potential gym owner.

  • You’re not trying to open a big box gym: If you are, and you’re reading a blog to teach you how, you’re definitely not ready to open a big box gym.
  • You’re a solo trainer or have a small team: You’re probably in that stage of moving on from being a trainer in a big box gym or as an employee in another small gym, to going out on your own and taking your clients with you. Or, you and a few colleagues are ready to take the plunge and share expenses of starting a partnership of sorts.
  • You have a fitness niche: You’re in CrossFit, yoga, Pilates, Zumba, sports fitness, martial arts, weight loss, strength training, or any number of specializations that you already have a reputation for.
  • You’ll be looking to open your gym in the next one to three years: Opening a gym and starting a business takes a lot of planning. Let’s assume you didn’t listen to a Beyonce song and now you want to start a gym because you “woke up like this.”
  • You love Fitness Mentors: Are we wrong?

Financial Development Considerations for Future Gym Owners

Unless you’re a trust fund baby, there’s some real financial questions you’ll want to ask yourself before understanding if you’re ready to take the plunge into gym ownership. If you are a personal trainer the good news is you’ll always have income from your consistent flow of clients.

However, opening a gym means that you’ll simply be adding to your expenses and making something of an estimate that in time, operating your own gym will be more profitable and rewarding than working for someone else.

Basic Income Rule of Thumb:

You are booked, consistently, for 30 sessions a week for $50 a session. This would equate to about $6,000 in income a month, which , based on many small business gym models, should be the minimum income you are receiving that will still allow you to eat while the rest of your income goes back into the business.

So, if you can make about $1,500 a week and carry that over into your business, you may afford yourself the pleasure of not struggling too much. Of course, this will vary state to state. $1,500 in Manhattan would rent you a dumpster whereas that kind of money would give you a damn Costco-sized space in the middle of Indiana somewhere. I hear there’s some big corn-fed cats out there; maybe it is a good place to start a gym?

Leasing Space: how big, how much?

That said, understand the local market rents so that you know what you might be paying in rent. A good resource for this is CBRE, a commercial real estate resource site where you can get industry trends as well as look up rents of commercial space in your hood.

Considering you’re just starting out, you’ll probably want to get some space in the 500 SF to 1,500 SF range. I’m also going to go ahead and recommend that you lease and not buy; you’ll still have to prove that you can make your business model work, and given that you likely don’t have a proven business record, getting a loan for commercial real estate will probably be tough because of the level of risk the bank will have to take on you (which they probably won’t).

Equipment: how much, lease or buy?

The amount and cost of the equipment you need will greatly depend on your business model. If you run a yoga studio you don’t need anything other than special flooring and some mirrors. If you run a CrossFit gym, the equipment you buy can probably keep you in a nice $10,000 price range.

A personal training studio of about 1,000 SF would likely run like $15 to $30k in equipment costs. If you are in need of more expensive equipment, leasing it is often a safer bet. Leasing gym equipment means you’ll have to worry little about wear and tear (the leasing companies will generally help with maintenance), and you’ll be able to upgrade to new equipment when you start to make a little coin. Leasing equipment is also much more affordable up front, making it a good option for trainers who need to scale their businesses as they grow them out.

Utilities: what are your fixed costs?

Utilities fall under the essential expenses category and are fixed, meaning they are the same from month-to-month. These include things like:

  • Water
  • Sewage
  • Trash service
  • Telecommunications- TV, internet, phone
  • Electricity

Before entering a lease, try to get some hard numbers of what these numbers were for the previous/existing business owner so you can compare location-to-location.

Insurance: what types do I need?

I think it was Chris Rock who said “they should call insurance ‘in case [expletive] happens.’ But if [expletive] don’t happen, shouldn’t I get my money back?”

In your case, you’ll have to buy two forms insurance:

  1. Personal trainer insurance– this is liability insurance for trainers who have clients who may get hurt while on their watch. There are different forms of this, like Sexual Abuse Personal Trainer Insurance or Products Liability Insurance. These aren’t super expensive – some as little as 50 cents per day – but are necessary and should be included as an expense.
  2. Business Renters Insurance- you’ll also need liability insurance for your business as this may be required by your lease. If you rent property, you are responsible for any damage you cause to it. Or, if your equipment gets stolen or damaged, you’ll be able to file a claim to get reimbursed. Best advice is to talk to an insurance professional about the types of business renters insurance you need versus what you should consider.

Build-out Costs: what is it and what are your limitations?

You find the perfect gym space. A nice shell of a warehouse that you’ve already mapped out the locations for your little office, water fountain and stretching area.

Right before you sign the lease you find out that the landlord puts the burden of the construction to do these things on you.

Some leases will allow you some wiggle room to place the burden of the buildout on the landlord while others will not. Construction costs can be expensive and therefore prohibitive to new business owners so before you sign, find out if the landlord will carry out buildouts or if they fall on you. You can also negotiate these into the lease, so make sure anything you do is penned on the contract.

Marketing and Advertisinghow much will this set you back compared to ROI?

In addition to using my charm to get new clients, I’ve had to invest my fair share of money into attracting new ones. Chances are, so will you.

There are a lot of different forms of marketing – search engine optimization, mailers, networking events, workshops, etc. – and you’ll want to ensure that you’ll know how much you can dedicate to these versus the kind of return you can get.

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, most small businesses should dedicate about 7 to 8 percent of their gross revenue to marketing. Rather than thinking of marketing as an expense, think of it more as an investment that pays itself back.

Staff- do I need them and how much do I pay them?

It is likely that you’ll be wearing a lot of hats at your new gym. In addition to running the day-to-day operations such as paying the bills and training, you’ll be pulled in a ton of different directions that make it seem like you can work 80 a week and still not get anything done.

A lot of business owners need to learn how to delegate tasks that don’t require their expertise, and this is where hiring someone will come in. Often, a small business can get away with hiring someone to answer the phones, maintain a presence in the gym while their training or away, and handle some remedial work that doesn’t necessarily require the expertise of the owner.

Budgeting for an employee is tough, but if you find that you can make more money by hiring someone than you would by not having them there, try to get an intern or someone you can pay minimum wage.

Personal Development Considerations for Future Gym Owners

Personal development. Sweet, this is where I get to tell you that you’re an awesome person and you can do anything you set your mind to.

Actually, I’m not. That’s what your mommy is for and I ain’t your mommy.

Here’s some hard and fast truth. You might fail. You might not have what it takes to be a business owner. You might be a great trainer but a terrible business man/woman and you may flop.

Do you have drive?

This has a lot to do with your drive as a person and as an entrepreneur. Being an entrepreneur means you are in the mindset of short and long term planning. In business, as in life, things may not happen overnight and even the smallest wins may take months of work.

Drive is a character trait that allows you to persevere through tough times, make decisions that are good for your business (but not necessarily what you want), and to act in ways that improve your chances of success.

Do you have what it takes to open a gym?

This should be more of a quantitative answer than a qualitative one. For instance, were you successful enough as an employee to get 30 sessions a week? If so, you probably have the ability and drive to move onto the next step. If not, what makes you think that opening a gym will mean that it gets any easier to attract new clients?

If you are still uncertain how you will sustain your new venture that is ok. At least you’re honest enough with yourself to know that opening a gym before you are good at marketing your services is probably a bad and risky decision.

If you need a little fine-tuning, check out our Business and Sales: The Guide to Success as a Personal Trainer class. You’ll learn step-by-step how to grow your personal brand and land enough clients to open that gym you want. Like I said earlier, opening a business is often a well-planned process that is one to three years in the making.

Are you good at saving money?

Saving money is a characteristic of someone who is ready to start a business. If you get a few extra clients one month and have a few extra bucks you have a few options. You can reward yourself with something nice or you can make the smart decision and put it back into the business. Being a business owner often means staying committed to your goals and giving up things that aren’t related to the growth and success of your venture.

There is often this pipe dream that business owners are all loaded. They have no limit to how much they can make and are always busy so therefore they must be killing it, right?

While this is certainly a lofty ambition, it’s not always the case. Getting to that place can take years of hard work and planning. Investing in your business – saving money – is often the first step to provide yourself and your business the long term goals it needs when the unexpected happens, you suddenly lose five clients, or your rent goes up.

Are you willing to sacrifice your free time?

Another inaccurate assumption about business owners is that they can make their own schedules and have free time whenever they need it. This can be true for some, but for trainers ours schedules are based around those of our clients.

When we are not training, we are often tasked with making business and marketing decisions, networking, cleaning the gym, or a number of other things that we’d all much rather do later and get beers with the homies instead.

Be prepared to put what little free time you may have as a new business owner back into your business for the first few years. This requires sacrifice and dedication but is a must-have characteristic of a business owner who is growing their gym.

Are you a social butterfly?

Anyone can workout with someone else, but do you have the communication skills necessary to attract people to you? Personal trainers, and especially personal trainers that want to become business owners, need to have an outgoing nature and a keen ability to talk to people.

You’ll find (if you haven’t already) that people are paying you because they think you’re cool to hang out with and make the experience of working out less brutal.

Some people are just too introverted to manage relationships appropriately and this type of personality trait makes it hard to run a business that puts relationships at its core. Be prepared to give your clients or potential clients 100 percent of your attention and make them feel good about themselves regardless of what stage they are in their lives.

Business Skillsets for Future Gym Owners

Alas, the boring yet highly important skills you’ll want to learn or familiarize yourself with before opening your gym.


While you don’t need to be a QuickBooks ninja, you’ll want to learn a few things about Profit and Loss, balancing your accounts at the end of the month, and profit to expense ratios for starters. Hiring a bookkeeper or CPA for the end of the year accounting purposes is well-advised, and many firms actually offer free accounting software classes (like QuickBooks software) so that you learn how to keep your business and personal accounts separate and understand what you can attribute to business and how to pay yourself as well as your employees.


Whether it involves the contract for your lease, buying supplies for your gym, or hiring employees or marketers, you’ll want to go into every business relationship with the mindset that everything is negotiable.

Like the example of negotiating tenant buildouts into your lease, understanding that both sides of the contract may be after different things will help you get more of what you want and for cheaper. A good book on this topic is Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In and will help you understand that listening can often be the difference between getting what you want and arguing for something that the other party doesn’t care about.

Understanding Contracts

A sort of subcategory of negotiation, learning how contracts work (or don’t) is a valuable business skillset. For the most important ones such as real estate or contracts involving large sums of money, it may be worthwhile to enlist of the help of attorneys.

For the other ones, don’t blindly sign them without reading through them first. Your ability to avoid long-term contracts that may be better suited for short-term contracts may help you be more nimble with vendors or other financial obligations.


Marketing will likely be the lifeblood of your gym. It helps bring leads in the door and helps to upsell existing clients.

For me personally, social media has been a major proponent to my success. Joining conversations, “liking” other people’s posts, and publishing interesting or engaging content on my networks has started a lot of conversations that would otherwise never have happened. Some areas of marketing that are especially important to a small business:

  • Advertising- deciding where, how and how often you will advertise your services is important. Obviously coming up in search engines is great as is getting featured in local publications where your potential clients hang out.
  • Graphic design- the professional creation of logos, flyers, handouts or other printed material goes a long way in providing a professional image. Check out sites like for affordable graphic designers or look into learning the ins and outs of, a freemium graphic design software that allows you to do the work yourself.

Investing in the right assistance

In business, there are a lot of things you can do yourself and a lot of things you may choose to hand off to a professional and pay for. For me personally, I knew that getting my site to rank in the search engines was going to be way too big of a learning curve so I hired a professional SEO company.

Similarly, I wanted my books to be consistent and didn’t want to raise any red flags with the IRS so I enlisted the help of a CPA firm to help with my accounting.

I had the patience to learn how to use the aforementioned Canva graphic design site so I actually save a lot of money on graphic design.

The point is, spend your time doing the things you can and be smart enough to know when it’s best to hand off things to a pro.

Time management

Your time is the most precious thing you have and is often the thing that can be wasted the most. Time management is an inherent skill but is also one that can be learned. If you are wondering how you might be able to improve your time management skills use this nifty little Priority Matrix to help you put your tasks in order of importance.

priority matrix

Common sense

Does it make sense to advertise in the Yellow Pages to Millennials? Does it make sense to send out mailers to an area that is mostly commercial? No? Well, then you practiced good common sense there.

Some business decisions are highly technical and require tons of research and risk and others are just pure common sense. Don’t spend more than you make, don’t bite off more than you can chew, don’t put all your eggs in one basket, etc. You get the idea.


Passion for what you do

It’s one thing to be passionate about helping people and personal training and another to love doing the small things that allow you to put time into your website, mailers, art, logos, marketing, contracts, etc. If you don’t also have an interest in that other business stuff you might as well stop now.


Are You Ready to Start Your Gym?

You’ll notice that a lot of the advice and tips in this guide are a bit subjective. That’s because every business is different and the decisions you make and the risks you take will be your own.

The overarching theme of understanding if you’re ready to open a gym has a lot to do with previous/existing success, your ability to plan and forecasts expenses and your finances, and taking a hard look at yourself to determine whether you have the drive and ambition to go out on your own.

Jump on in, the water’s fine.

Bonus: use this checklist to see if you’re ready to take the leap.


Personal Trainer Career Roadmap

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The 5 Best Continuing Education Courses for Personal Trainers

The 5 Best Continuing Education Courses for Personal Trainers

The 5 Best Continuing Education Courses for Personal Trainers

We all know this to be true:

If you know more about your craft, you can further assist the people paying for your services.

The Fitness Continuing Education scene can be pretty confusing. It is dominated by the large fitness education companies trying to kindle your spending by stroking your eagerness to learn new and exciting fitness topics. Let us help you unravel this confusion as we explore the purposes of continuing education and give you our 5 most recommended courses and/or seminars.

Learning more about the TRX can create better strategies for stability training, but this matters little if your main clientele is Crossfitters. Make the right choice on building your credentials based on the following three factors:

  1. Purpose: Why are you choosing a specific course or seminar? What will you use it for?
  2. Population: What type of client will benefit from the skills or knowledge you will attain? Are they abundant? Is this the population you want to work with?
  3. Passion: Do you enjoy learning about this topic?

Analyzing these factors will allow you to make proper decisions based on your career and training goals.

Furthermore, there may be different reasons you are now looking into continuing education. Some of you may have procrastinated and are now desperate for last minute CEU’s that you need for your recertification. On the other end you might be eager to continue learning and growing in your craft, and have all the time in the world. Some of our recommendations below may be good for the short term and inexpensive, while some require big bucks, time and travel to complete. Choose based on your timeline and budget needs as well.


It is important to understand if you are new to the game your continuing education focus should be on one thing: Business. Other education is not needed unless you have what it takes to build a sustainable career. This is one of the biggest mistakes made by new trainers and contributes to the failure of over 50,000 fitness pros per year.

Below we have laid out 5 of our most highly recommended continuing education courses for recertifying your CPT. For further ease we have listed the pros and cons of each course.

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Certified Online Personal Trainer

The Fitness Industry is rapidly changing. COVID-19 came in and destroyed the conventional path of the fitness professional. With gyms being closed for many months, people turned to online options to continue getting their workouts in. This forced change created so much discord for personal trainers but also created something that will reshape the career path of all trainers: consumer trust in online fitness training

For the trainer that is ready to take advantage of this newly formed trust the Certified Online Personal Trainer Certification teaches you how to train clients online, build every aspect of your online services, get 5-10 new online clients per month and truly help people achieve their health and fitness goals online.


  • More Personal Freedom
  • More Financial Freedom
  • Ensure Your Future Job Security
  • Help More People
  • Offer New Services to Grow Your Revenue Streams
  • Contains all the CEU’s you need to recertify your CPT Certification



NASM's Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC)

If you are looking for the current most prestigious certification in the Fitness Nutrition scene, NASM’s Certified Nutrition Coach is your go-to.

The course feels like a college level class an focuses on science backed nutrition and Behavioral studies. It is an at home course that allows you to study at your own pace. The content focuses on a two headed approach, nutritional coaching and nutritional sciences.

Once finished with this course you will feel confident in addressing nutrition with any type of client goal. One thing that makes this course less attainable is that the cost is high. It also only has two enrollment dates per year which may be bad for those of you looking for a quick way to get the CEU’s needed for recertification.


  • Most respected nutrition certification in the fitness industry
  • College level learning and structure
  • Go at your own pace online
  • Contains all the CEU’s you need to recertify (20 credit hours)
  • Teaches nutrition coaching as well as the nutritional sciences


  • Almost $1000 (Check Pricing Here)
  • Mainly government backed nutritional science (not much on newer strategies).


Business And Sales: The Guide To Success As A Personal Trainer

Business and Sales Your Guide to Success as a Personal Trainer

Business and Sales: The Guide to Success as a Personal Trainer, will teach you a system all about generating leads and closing client sales. With an emphasis on ACTION, this course will teach you how to create the necessary documents and tools that lead to creating an easy road to success. The value from a course like this far surpasses that of other topics in continuing education, as the knowledge you attain goes directly toward financial gain.

Getting new clients and closing sales can be tough. I can’t stress enough how important it is to have a system, to combat this difficulty. Most trainers mosey about the gym and wait for people to make eye contact, with the intent to spark up a conversation. Although this may lead to a new client here and there, taking action and relying on a proven system will create boundless opportunity.

The course is $349 (use code WOW25 for 25% off) and it is an online, home-study course. It can be completed relatively fast for those of you in need of last minute CEUs.

REMEMBER: You can be the most educated personal trainer in the world, but if you don’t have any sales technique or clients your education is pointless.


  • Only $349
  • Contains all the CEU’s you need to recertify
  • Home study which allows you to go at your own pace
  • Build your business step by step from the ground up
  • Actionable documents to assist your business processes
  • Learn how to increase sales
  • Great for new trainers and experienced trainers
  • Will build the most value to your resume when being hired at a commercial gym
  • The best business and sales certification in the industry
  • Receive the title of Fitness Sales Specialist (FSS)


  • Forces you to take action and create your business
  • Might be less fun than learning exercise based continuing education


Pain Management Specialist

The Pain Management Specialist certification is absolutely one of the best certifications to have. It forces you to understand origins of pain based on postural analysis and teaches you how to fix it.

My biggest concern with my own training was learning how to always progress in strength, athleticism and body image, while avoiding any training associated injury. NOTE: If you don’t have efficient flexibility and muscle balance, you are on your way to creating an injury.

When taking the Pain Management Specialist course you learn about all the issues in flexibility and movement patterns that can lead to injuries.

You can also build a ton of value describing why someone might have pain or a nagging injury. Explaining to someone how their overactive hip flexors are giving them that back pain they have had for years, and then immediately assisting them in alleviating that pain via stretching goes yards for an initial impression.

It is an at home study course which allows you to go at your own pace and you have one year to complete it from your purchase date. The final exam is a bit tough but forces you to know your stuff, which is good thing for you and your clients.


  • In-depth education on posture and causes of pain
  • Learn the corrective exercise continuum for treating postural imbalances
  • Great for assisting older clientele in pain management
  • Best corrective exercise certification available
  • Contains all of the CEUs needed for recertification
  • Increase your practical knowledge of muscles
  • Receive the title of Pain Management Specialist



NCSF Strength Coaching Specialist

The NCSF Strength Coach Specialist is the most prestigious athletic conditioning certification in the fitness industry. In fact, it is so prestigious, it is required by almost all college and professional teams to work as a conditioning coach.

The content is quite expansive and covers everything you would need to know about training the most popular sports like Baseball, Basketball, Football, Hockey, Track and Field; and other major sports. The textbook is large, but typically if you are going after this certification your passion will encourage your reading. One downfall to training athletes is that it is typically not very lucrative. Don’t expect this certification to make you more money.


  • Needed to train for a college or professional team
  • Most prestigious athletic conditioning cert in the industry
  • Great content for learning about athletic conditioning.


  • $399 (check pricing here)
  • Requires a Bachelor’s degree to sit for the exam
  • Lengthy study hours 
  • Difficult final exam
  • Requires you to take further continuing education every 2 years

You have a lot of choices when choosing your continuing education courses and we hope this settles some of the confusion. Remember to apply the three factors to your decision making process. We believe the above five courses will bring the most value to you and your business.

If you have any questions we would love to hear from you. Contact us via comment, call (310) 227-9261, or by using the contact button on this page. We are always here to assist you in choosing the most successful path for your fitness career.

For more information on becoming a successful personal trainer click the below link and check out our business and sales course

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CEU Updates In Your Inbox

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NCCPT Continuing Education Units and Courses

Fitness Mentors is pleased to announce we are now recognized by the National Council for Certified Personal Trainers (NCCPT) as a Continuing Education Provider.

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Our NCCPT-approved CEUs include a high quality selection of courses that allow you to:

  • Recertify your NCCPT-CPT certification
  • Improve your personal trainer educational background
  • Maintain a high level of professional qualification
  • Increase your ability to attract and help your clients


Personal Trainer


(2.0 NCCPT CEUs)

business & sales


Learn More

Program Design


(2.0 NCCPT CEUs)

Program Design


Learn More

Pain Management


(2.0 NCCPT CEUs)

Pain Management


Learn More

Special Populations Exercise


(2.0 NCCPT CEUs)

Special Populations Exercise Specialist


Learn More

NCCPT Recertification Requirements

NCCPT certified personal trainers are required to obtain 2.0 CEUs every two years to maintain their certification. The purpose of this recertification is to ensure NCCPT professionals maintain industry standards.

All recertifications require the following:

  • $75 recertification fee
  • Proof of Fitness Mentors certificates of completion for the CECs that you’ve completed
  • Proof of CPR certification

Mail renewal form to:

National Council for Certified Personal Trainers
3481 Old Conejo Road #102,
Newbury Park, CA 91320
FAX: 800-915-5545

NCCPT Recertification FAQs

NCCPT CPT professionals are required to recertify their continuing education requirements every two years.

To satisfy the minimum NCCPT CEU requirement you must earn 2.0 CEUs every two years.

NCCPT professionals also need to maintain their current CPR certifications.

Only NCCPT approved providers can provide reputable continuing education to NCCPT certified professionals.

NCCPT Recertification Links

Click below to learn more about NCCPT CEU courses

Personal Trainer


(2.0 NCCPT CEUs)

business & sales


Learn More

Program Design


(2.0 NCCPT CEUs)

Program Design


Learn More

Pain Management


(2.0 NCCPT CEUs)

Pain Management


Learn More

Special Populations Exercise


(2.0 NCCPT CEUs)

Special Populations Exercise Specialist


Learn More
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ACSM Continuing Education Units and Courses

Fitness Mentors is pleased to offer continuing education that can be applied to recertification for your American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Certifications.

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Our ACSM CEUs include a high quality selection of courses that can allow you to:

  • Recertify your ACSM-CPT certification
  • Improve your personal trainer educational background
  • Maintain a high level of professional qualification
  • Increase your ability to attract and help your clients

ACSM CEU Courses

Personal Trainer


20 Hours

business & sales


Learn More

Program Design


20 Hours

Program Design


Learn More

Pain Management


20 Hours

Pain Management


Learn More

Special Populations Exercise


20 Hours

Special Populations Exercise Specialist


Learn More

ACSM Recertification Requirements

ACSM certified personal trainers are required to obtain 45 CECs every three years to maintain their certification. The purpose of this recertification is to maintain a specific level of competence as a health and fitness professional.

There are three ways to recertify: online, by fax or mail.

  1. Online certification portal
  2. Fax: fill out renewal form, fax to number on page.
  3. Mail: fill out renewal form, mail to address on page.

All recertifications also require the following:

  • $45 recertification fee
  • Proof of Fitness Mentors certificates of completion for the CECs that you’ve completed
  • Proof of CPR certification

ACSM Recertification FAQs

ACSM CPT professionals are required to recertify their continuing education requirements every three years.

To satisfy the minimum ACSM CEU requirement you must earn 45 CECs every three years.

ACSM professionals also need to maintain their current CPR certifications.

Only ACSM approved providers can provide reputable continuing education to ACSM certified professionals.

ACSM Recertification Links

Click below to learn more about ACSM CEU courses

Personal Trainer


20 Hours

business & sales


Learn More

Program Design


20 Hours

Program Design


Learn More

Pain Management


20 Hours

Pain Management


Learn More

Special Populations Exercise


20 Hours

Special Populations Exercise Specialist


Learn More




ACE Continuing Education Units and Course

Fitness Mentors is pleased to announce we are now recognized by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) as a Continuing Education Approved Provider. 

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Our ACE-approved CEUs include a high quality selection of courses that allow you to:

  • Recertify your ACE-CPT certification
  • Improve your personal trainer educational background
  • Maintain a high level of professional qualification
  • Increase your ability to attract and help your clients

ACE CEU Courses

Personal Trainer


(2.0 ACE CEUs)

business & sales


Learn More

Program Design


(2.0 ACE CEUs)

Program Design


Learn More

Pain Management


(2.0 ACE CEUs)

Pain Management


Learn More

Special Populations Exercise


(2.0 ACE CEUs)

Special Populations Exercise Specialist


Learn More

ACE Recertification Requirements

ACE fitness professionals are required to renew their personal training certifications every two years with 2.0 CEUs (20 hours). This is the standard that has been established by ACE to help validate fitness experts who maintain the upmost safety and professionalism for their clients. These standards are also consistent with those set by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA).

To recertify with ACE, take the following steps:

  • Obtain proof of CEU completion (Fitness Mentors certifications of completion for the continuing education classes you’ve completed)
  • Visit the ACE’s Certification Renewal portal and follow the on-screen instructions
  • Pay the recertification fee (starts at $129 for online certifications)

ACE Recertification FAQs

ACE CPT professionals are required to recertify their continuing education requirements every two years.

To satisfy the minimum ACE CEU requirement you must earn 2.0 (20 hours) of CEUs every two years.

ACE professionals also need to maintain their current CPR and AED certifications.

Only ACE Approved Providers can provide reputable continuing education to ACE certified professionals.

ACE Recertification Links

Click below to learn more about ACE CEU courses

Personal Trainer


(2.0 ACE CEUs)

business & sales


Learn More

Program Design


(2.0 ACE CEUs)

Program Design


Learn More

Pain Management


(2.0 ACE CEUs)

Pain Management


Learn More

Special Populations Exercise


(2.0 ACE CEUs)

Special Populations Exercise Specialist


Learn More
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NSCA Continuing Education Units and Courses

Fitness Mentors is pleased to offer continuing education that can be applied to recertification for your National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Certifications.

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Our high quality Continuing Education Courses allow you to

  • Recertify your NSCA-CPT certification
  • Improve your personal trainer educational background
  • Maintain a high level of professional qualification
  • Increase your ability to attract and help your clients

Continuing Education Courses

Personal Trainer


(1.5 NSCA CEUs)

business & sales


Learn More

Program Design


(1.5 NSCA CEUs)

Program Design


Learn More

Pain Management


(1.5 NSCA CEUs)

Pain Management


Learn More

Special Populations Exercise


(1.5 NSCA CEUs)

Special Populations Exercise Specialist


Learn More

NSCA Recertification Requirements

NSCA professionals are required to complete 6.0 CEUs every three years to keep their certifications up-to-date. However, the total amount of CEUs required during a three year period will depend on the current reporting period, not a duration of three years since the trainer was initially certified/recertified. Keep in mind that the current NCSA reporting period ends December 31, 2020.

Recertification CEU Requirements

Initial Certification Date

CEU Requirement

Before 2019


During 2019


During 2020


  To complete the recertification process: 

  • Obtain proof of CEU completion (Your Certificate of Completion)
  • Visit the NSCA’s Recertification & Continuing Education page and Report your CEUs
  • Pay the recertification fee (start at $30 for members and $55 for non-members)

NSCA Recertification FAQs

NSCA professionals need to recertify every three years.

As a general rule of thumb, you’ll need 6.0 CEUs to recertify every three years. However, and as indicated in the above table, the period in which you initially certify versus the current reporting period may dictate that you require less than 6.0 CEUs. If you got your original certification before 2015, you’ll need 6.0 CEUs; during 2015, 4.0 CEUs; during 2016, 2.0 CEUs. If you are unsure how many CEUs you currently have you can log into the NSCA siteand see what CEUs you need.

Only NSCA Approved Providers can provide reputable continuing education to NSCA-certified professionals.

NSCA Recertification Links

Click below to learn more about our courses

Personal Trainer


(1.5 NSCA CEUs)

business & sales


Learn More

Program Design


(1.5 NSCA CEUs)

Program Design


Learn More

Pain Management


(1.5 NSCA CEUs)

Pain Management


Learn More

Special Populations Exercise


(1.5 NSCA CEUs)

Special Populations Exercise Specialist


Learn More
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NCSF Continuing Education Units and Courses

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NCSF Continuing Education

Fitness Mentors is pleased to announce we are now recognized by the National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) as a Continuing Education Provider.

Our NCSF-approved CEUs include a high quality selection of courses that allow you to: 

  • Recertify your NCSF-CPT certification
  • Improve your personal trainer educational background
  • Maintain a high level of professional qualification
  • Increase your ability to attract and help your clients

NCSF CEU Courses

We will be adding new courses periodically based on customer demand. The courses that are now available include:

The guide to success as a personal trainer

Business & Sales

business & sales

Learn More

Specialist Certification

Program Design

Specialist Certification

Learn More

Specialist Certification

Pain Management

Specialist Certification

Learn More

Exercise Specialist Certification

Special Populations

Exercise Specialist

Learn More


CEU Courses

Free CEU Courses

Learn More

NCSF Recertification Requirements

The National Council on Strength & Fitness requires trainers to recertify with 10 CEUs every two years. These CEUs must be earned during the two-year period most recent to the trainer’s last active credential status. 
All continuing education units must be approved by the NCSF Board for Certification to count towards the 10 CEU limit. These CEUs can come from several different categories, including: 


Maximum Value from Category

CPR (required)

2 units

Ethics & Professional Practice (1 unit required)

3 units

NCSF CEU Library

7 units

College & University Courses

7 units

Personal Development

5 units

Seminar/Home Study/Conference, etc.

6 units


Recertification FAQs

NCSF requires that the CPT certification be recertified every two years.

NCSF-CPT professionals need to complete 10.0 CEUs (20 hours) every two years.

Only NCSF Approved Providers can provide reputable continuing education to NCSF-certified professionals.

Each personal trainer certification body charges varying recertification rates. These are an additional cost to the actual continuing education courses that must be taken to maintain certification.

Note: Once the maximum CEU value from one category is met, no additional CEUs can be earned from that category. The NCSF trainer must submit 10 qualified CEUs that met these compliance standards; any CEUs that do not comply with these category limits will not be applied towards recertification.

The following information will need to be mailed to NCSF for recertification:

  • Completed Recertification Application
  • Renewal fee ($50 for single credential, $75 for two, and $100 for three or more)
  • Proof of CEU completion (Fitness Mentors certifications of completion for the continuing education classes you’ve completed)

Mail all the above items before your certification expiration date to:

NCSF Board for Certification
5915 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 60 
Coral Gables, FL 33146


If you have any additional questions about Fitness Mentors’ Continuing Education Courses for Personal Trainers contact us today. (424) 675-0476

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Fitness Mentor's Business and Sales course is absolutely one of the best courses I have taken. It is full of very helpful information! Many other courses promise step-by-step details but they fail to deliver.

Well, Fitness Mentors truly delivers! Not only is everything very plainly laid out and explained, but there are links directly to some of the sources. This course takes you from setting up your business properly to closing a sale!

I wish I had taken it when I first got started. I plan on using the techniques in marketing, closing, and pricing at this very moment! I HIGHLY recommend this course to all Fitness Instructors - especially if you are just starting your career.

Take this course immediately after certification! It will save you a lot of time and epic fails.
My applause to Fitness Mentors!
FM Cert of Comp
Cindy Millard
CEU Course Graduate


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NESTA Continuing Education Units and Courses

Fitness Mentors is pleased to announce we are recognized by the National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association (NESTA) as a Continuing Education Approved Provider.

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Our NESTA-approved CEUs include a high quality selection of courses that allow you to:

  • Recertify your NESTA-PFT certification
  • Improve your personal trainer educational background
  • Maintain a high level of professional qualification
  • Increase your ability to attract and help your clients


Personal Trainer


(2.0 NESTA CEUs)

business & sales


Learn More

Program Design


(2.0 NESTA CEUs)

Program Design


Learn More

Pain Management


(2.0 NESTA CEUs)

Pain Management


Learn More

Special Populations Exercise


(2.0 NESTA CEUs)

Special Populations Exercise Specialist


Learn More

NESTA Recertification Requirements

The NESTA Executive Certification Board (ECB) requires NESTA PFTs to complete 4.0 CEUs over a four year period. To recertify your NESTA PFT you’ll need to mail the following information:

☐ Completed Recertification Application
☐ Recertification fee ($149)*
☐ Proof of CEU completion (Fitness Mentors certifications of completion for the continuing education classes you’ve completed)

*If your application is late, include additional fee payment:

  • $25 (between 1-30 days late)
  • $50 (between 31-60 days late)
  • $95 (between 61-90 days late)

Mail all the above items before your certification expiration date to:

NESTA Executive Certification Board
ATTN: Recertification Program
31441 Santa Margarita Pkwy, A-365
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA, 92688, USA

NESTA Recertification FAQs

NESTA requires that the PFT certification be recertified every four years. NESTA has created these parameters to ensure its trainers stay abreast of research in training and to help trainers design safe, efficient and effective exercise programs for their clients.

NESTA-PFT professionals need to complete 4.0 CEUs (40 hours) every four years.

Only NESTA Approved Providers can provide reputable continuing education to NESTA-certified professionals. Any coursework that is not approved by NESTA but is consistent with the educational materials for NESTA PFTs will require the submission of a petition and a $25 fee. It is therefore recommended that students utilize NESTA-certified CEU courses such as the ones Fitness Mentors provides.

NESTA Recertification Forms

Click below to learn more about NESTA CEU courses

Personal Trainer


(2.0 NESTA CEUs)

business & sales


Learn More

Program Design


(2.0 NESTA CEUs)

Program Design


Learn More

Pain Management


(2.0 NESTA CEUs)

Pain Management


Learn More

Special Populations Exercise


(2.0 NESTA CEUs)

Special Populations Exercise Specialist


Learn More
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Business and Sales CEU Course

Business and Sales: The Guide to Success as a Personal Trainer

Help More People by Building Your Business

Now that you have your personal training certification its time to get a full load of clients and start making the money you’ve been dreaming about.

The only problem is you know you are a great trainer, but find yourself struggling to get the clients you need. You have had a few potential client interviews with little success leading to low confidence, frustration and self doubt.


Tens of thousands of personal trainers change careers every year leading to one of the highest turn over rates in any industry. DON’T BE ONE OF THEM.

Would you like to know what strategies are best in finding leads and converting them in to paying clients?

Business and Sales: The Guide to Success as a Personal trainer takes you step by step through the process of turning your passion for fitness in to a successful, revenue generating full time career.

Over the last 12 years working in the health and fitness industry and over 7 years as a college professor, Eddie Lester, the founder and CEO of Fitness Mentors, has created and used the techniques presented in this course to assist thousands of personal trainers in building their businesses from the ground up.

Starting with the step of officially registering your business and then taking you through all the necessary tasks to get a multitude of clients, your blueprint for success is laid out via the Course Manual, 6 hours of lecturing and over 20 worksheets that will allow you to take action and build your business.

Not only is this course great for expanding your knowledge in business and sales, but it allows you to gain the much needed Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to re-certify your CPT certification. (NASM 1.9, NESTA 2.0, ISSA 2.0, AFAA 15, NCCPT 2.0, NSCA 1.5, ACE 2.0)

Click below to purchase this course

Extra 25% OFF
With “WOW25” at checkout!

The guide to success as a personal trainer

Business & Sales

business & sales



The proven techniques you
will learn include:

Lesson 1: Prepare

  • Learn how to expand your fitness business through education and the development of your fitness theory.

  • Discover how your personal brand determines what type of clientele you attract.

  • Learn how to optimize your own personal brand to attract new clientele.

  • Discover the steps of creating and registering your business through local, state and federal agencies.

  • Discover how to use social media to attract clientele and promote your fitness business.

Lesson 2: Give Away Free Information

  • Begin the steps to attracting clientele by understanding how to develop quality information.

  • Learn how to select your target market by discovering your personal attributes and interests.

  • Discover the information that will best attract the attention of your chosen target market.

  • Uncover the reasons why giving away free information is crucial to your training business.

  • Learn how to create Opt-In opportunities that drive your sales process.

Lesson 3: Offer a Free Service

  • Determine what the next steps are to increase your sales conversions after collecting contact information.

  • Discover what services would work best at grabbing the attention of your chosen target market.

  • Learn what the sales atmosphere is and how to create a lasting impression.

  • Learn how to build your atmosphere using email, phone and in-person contact.

Lesson 4: Engage the Prospect

  • Utilize ready to use sales scripts for phone, email and in-person interactions.

  • Learn how to use the hierarchy of engagement to drive the sales process.

  • Understand how your first impression will affect the future sale.
  • Learn how to optimize your first impression with your clients to increase your sales conversions.
  • Learn how to correctly follow up with your potential clients to increase sales and drive revenue generation.
  • Learn how to capitalize on the continuation of your sales outreach.

Lesson 5: Prove You Care

  • Learn how understanding the psychology of sales can increase your conversions of clients in a one on one sales situation.
  • Discover how your clients think and how you can create the sale by listening to key points in their communication.
  • Discover key points to be aware of to convert sales during a new client interview.
  • Learn why it matters the way you view what you are selling and how that can expand your sales revenue.
  • Understand why your customers buy training and how to sell to this reasoning.
  • Discover how to sell directly to the wants and needs of the client.
  • Learn new power questions to ask your potential clients that will make selling an easy and fun process. 

Lesson 6: Close

  • Learn how to set your prices to correctly reflect your self-worth and desirability.
  • Learn how to discuss your prices with your clients in a way to promote the sale.
  • Learn how to avoid what might deter your clients from purchasing training.
  • Learn how to combat barriers to the sale by creating positive solutions for your clientele.
  • Discover how sales stories can drive your conversion rate through the roof.
  • Learn how to properly close the sale using statements that fit your sales personality.
  • Realize your income goals by ensuring your clients get help with their goal using alternative income strategies.

Click below to purchase this course

Extra 25% OFF
With “WOW25” at checkout!

The guide to success as a personal trainer

Business & Sales

business & sales


Fitness Mentor's Business and Sales course is absolutely one of the best courses I have taken. It is full of very helpful information! Many other courses promise step-by-step details but they fail to deliver. Well, Fitness Mentors truly delivers!

Not only is everything very plainly laid out and explained, but there are links directly to some of the sources. This course takes you from setting up your business properly to closing a sale! I wish I had taken it when I first got started. I plan on using the techniques in marketing, closing, and pricing at this very moment!

I HIGHLY recommend this course to all Fitness Instructors - especially if you are just starting your career. Take this course immediately after certification! It will save you a lot of time and epic fails. My applause to Fitness Mentors!
Cindy M.
Business & Sales CEU

Continuing Education for Personal Trainers

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Until Monday: 46% off ALL CEUs!

Continuing Education for Personal Trainers

Our Continuing Education Courses provide our students the best opportunity to expand their mindset and become better Personal Trainers.

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Online Continuing Education

Continuing education for personal trainers is relevant on so many levels. For starters, it is a requirement of every credible personal training certification body that the professionals that represent their organization stay up to date on their principles and guidelines.

Secondly, continuing education provides personal trainers a method in which to enhance their knowledge, improve their businesses, learn more about health, fitness and safety, and ultimately to enhance the lives of the clients that they serve.

These CEUs will allow you to:

  • Recertify your personal trainer certification
  • Improve your personal trainer educational background
  • Maintain a high level of professional qualification
  • Increase your ability to attract and help your clients

Personal Trainer Continuing Education Courses

We offer the following courses:

25% OFF

With “Aug25” at checkout!

Certified Online

Personal Trainer

Certified Online Personal Trainer

Learn More

The guide to success as a personal trainer

Business & Sales

business & sales

Learn More

Specialist Certification

Program Design

Specialist Certification

Learn More

Specialist Certification

Pain Management

Specialist Certification

Learn More

Exercise Specialist Certification

Special Populations

Exercise Specialist

Learn More


CEU Courses

Free CEU Courses

Learn More

Recertification Requirements

Each personal trainer certification body has recertification requirements that must be met by any trainer who wants to maintain their certification. Here are some recertification requirements for six popular personal training certification companies that Fitness Mentors is approved to offer:

NASM: Two years, 20 hours of continuing education (2.0 CEUs)

ACE: Two years, 20 hours of continuing education (2.0 CEUs)

NESTA: Four years, 40 hours of continuing education (4.0 CEUs)

ISSA: Two years, 20 hours of continuing education (2.0 CEUs)

AFAA: Two years, 15 hours of continuing education

NCCPT: Two years, 20 hours of continuing education (2.0 CEUs)

NSCA: Two years, 60 hours of continuing education (6.0 CEUs)

ACSM: Three years, 45 hours of continuing education

Recertification FAQs

The CEU and time requirement varies between each of the certification bodies. Most have a two-year timetable but others may have different requirements. NESTA, for example, has a four-year time requirement.

This also depends on the certification body. Many, like NASM and ACE, require 20 hours or the equivalent of 2 CEUs in the recertification period.

Only board-approved providers are able to provide personal trainers reputable continuing education materials. Fitness Mentors is one such provider.

Each personal trainer certification body charges varying recertification rates. These are an additional cost to the actual continuing education courses that must be taken to maintain certification.


If you have any additional questions about Fitness Mentors’ Continuing Education Courses for Personal Trainers contact us today. (424) 675-0476

circles@2x 1
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Fitness Mentors' Certified Online Personal Trainer certification course is absolutely one of the best courses I have taken. It is full of very helpful information! Many other courses promise step-by-step details but they fail to deliver. Well, Fitness Mentors truly delivers! Not only is everything very plainly laid out and explained, but there are templates and links directly to some of the best resources. This course takes you from setting up your business online to closing a sale!

I wish I had taken it when I first got started. I plan on using the techniques in marketing, closing, and pricing at this very moment! I HIGHLY recommend this course to all personal trainers looking to succeed online.

Take this course immediately after certification! It will save you a lot of time and epic fails.

My applause to Fitness Mentors!
FM Cert of Comp
Cindy Millard
CEU Course Graduate
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NASM Continuing Education Units and Courses

Fitness Mentors is pleased to announce we are recognized by the National Academy of Sports Medicine as a Continuing Education Approved Provider. 

NASM Provider Logo
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Our NASM-Approved CEUs will include a high quality selection of courses that allow you to:

  • Recertify your NASM-CPT certification
  • Improve your personal trainer educational background
  • Maintain a high level of professional qualification
  • Increase your ability to attract and help your clients

NASM CEU Courses

Personal Trainer


(1.9 NASM CEUs)

business & sales


Learn More

Program Design


(1.9 NASM CEUs)

Program Design


Learn More

Pain Management


(1.9 NASM CEUs)

Pain Management


Learn More

Special Populations Exercise


(1.9 NASM CEUs)

Special Populations Exercise Specialist


Learn More

NASM Recertification Requirements

There are two ways to recertify your NASM-CPT: First Option: Use NASM’s Recertification Portal
  1. Visit the NASM website and follow the links to their Recertification Portal.
  2. Upload your Fitness Mentors certificates of completion for the continuing education classes that you have completed.
  3. Upload a copy of your CPR and AED certification (front and back).
  4. Complete the rest of the steps on the NASM website and pay the recertification fee.
Second Option: Mail Your Application
  1. Complete and print the CPT Recertification Application and CEU Petition Application.
  2. Print your Fitness Mentors certificates of completion for the continuing education classes that you have completed.
  3. Print a copy of your CPR and AED certification (front and back).
  4. Include a check of $99 for your recertification fee*.
*If your application is up to three months late, include a $30 late fee. Mail all the above items before your certification expiration date to: NASM Board of Certification 1750 E. Northrop Boulevard, Suite 200 Chandler, AZ 85286-1744

NASM Recertification FAQs

NASM requires that the CPT certification be recertified every two years. This requirement has been put in place to ensure that NASM-CPT professionals meet, maintain and instill the principles outlined in the Job Analysis Study.

NASM-CPT professionals need to complete 2.0 CEUs (20 hours) every two years.

NASM-CPT professionals also need to maintain their current CPR and AED certifications.

Only NASM Approved Providers can provide reputable continuing education to NASM certified professionals. All Fitness Mentors CEU Courses are pre-approved and FM is a NASM Approved Provider.


NASM Recertification Forms

Click below to learn more about NASM CEU courses

Personal Trainer


(1.9 NASM CEUs)

business & sales


Learn More

Program Design


(1.9 NASM CEUs)

Program Design


Learn More

Pain Management


(1.9 NASM CEUs)

Pain Management


Learn More

Special Populations Exercise


(1.9 NASM CEUs)

Special Populations Exercise Specialist


Learn More
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21 Personal Training Marketing Ideas that will get You More Clients


Would you like to know how the most successful personal trainers market their personal businesses?


Consider yourself lucky because today we are going to provide you with a laundry list of the best sources of personal training marketing ideas that you can use to grow your business today. 


If you’re interested in learning how to apply these strategies to get clients as an online personal trainer check out our How to Become an Online Personal Trainer Blog.


We are bringing the heavy-lifting stuff. Ready?

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Write for industry blogs to get touted as an expert

One of the most highly impactful ways to showcase that you are an expert and an authority in the fitness industry is through other well-established media outlets. But how do you break into these industry blog sites, trade journals, or magazines?


There is a process to this mayhem:

First, you must invest some time in creating impactful content on your own website (you do have a website right?). Before you can start reaching out to others and offer them insights on their publications you’ll have to prove you know what you are talking about on yours.


When you approach a fitness blogger or other media outlet as an unknown, they will likely look at your website to see the quality of writing you do. When they make it to your site, they may also click around on your social media links to see the kind of following you have. While your social presence may be in the beginning stages, you can do your part to create some really great content on your own site that assures the other blog owners you’ll do the same for them.


So how do you find these sites?

You probably already know some influential people in the fitness industry. Start by writing down their names on an Excel spreadsheet or Google Doc.

Next, do some Google searches on the topic you want to cover to find people in your niche.


For example, let’s say your niche is high-intensity circuit training (HIIT). Google “HIIT workout tips” and here’s what you’ll get:

Write for fitness blogs

Next, make a list of the sites that appear on the first two pages of the search results (without making note of the paid ads). In the above search, the sites that appear are:

Chances are many of the searches you do in the fitness industry will reveal these sites in the search results. I know what you’re thinking:

“How am I going to get featured on”


You’d be surprised how receptive some of these sites are to fitness posts from knowledgeable professionals. But sites aren’t people, and you’ll have to narrow down your list to the people who write for those sites to get featured on them.


Here’s how to connect with those authors you’ve found on these sites:

The first step is to find the author of one of the posts that came up in your search. In this example, we look at the article and find the author, Dr. Jim Stoppani, prominently displayed along with his contact information:

Jim Stoppani

You can connect with Jim on Twitter and Facebook and also visit his website to see if you can find an email address or contact form. Then you simply start a dialogue and let him know you are a fan of his work. 


Be careful not to jump right into asking for a guest blogging opportunity; nurture your contact a bit, share their content and you’ll increase your chances of them being open to a guest blogging opportunity or at least, sharing some of your content too.


But let’s take this a step further and use Jim’s name to look for more sites you can add to your list and repeat this same process. Remember that 80-90% of these people you reach out to will decline or not even respond. This means you better have a pretty decent list.


That said, let’s Google “Dr. Jim Stoppani” to see where else he writes:

Dr Jim site 1
Dr Jim site 2
Dr Jim 3 pack

Now we have a few more sites that Dr. Stoppani has written for that we may be able to approach as well. Check out the site. It is a review and not a site you would want to add to your list. You have to be discerning about who you reach out to so we included that one as an example.


The more you reach out, the better you’ll get at building relationships. The more relationships and articles you get published the more exposure you will get, and the more your business will grow. This is especially important to help you grow your online personal training client list.


Stay top of mind with existing clients

with email

It is all too often personal trainers don’t utilize their existing client base to upsell or to help expand their reach. One of the best ways to do this is through email, a form of direct response marketing.


Consider this fact: email has nearly three times as many user accounts as Facebook and Twitter combined. That’s 8 billion accounts.


Email is one of the most personal mediums that exists, and you know what? Personal training is personal too. You develop relationships with your client based on their habits, diets, and goals; email is a great way to connect with them with personalized messages, links to relevant articles, or other business-related affairs.


Plus there’s the fact that email will help stay top of mind. This means that the client you have who only comes in twice a month will still be thinking about you every week as you make it a point to send them emails that are catered to them or are helpful for your client base as a whole.


Consider investing in a personal training client management software like Trainerize or email software like Mail Chimp or Constant Contact to store all of your past and previous clients’ emails and to send out bulk emails with fitness and nutrition information that keeps them involved with your fitness philosophies and educates them on how to live healthier lives.


Make referrals easier on your clients by providing them with tangible, shareable, referral documents

If you’re like 90 percent of personal trainers out there you probably get most of your business from word-of-mouth referrals. That is great, and you never want to push referral marketing out the door as a long-term and ongoing source of clients.

However, you still want to make sure you are doing as much as you can to maximize referral-generating behavior:

Referral-generating behavior is the idea you put in place that make your clients want to talk about you.

Think of the common way a word-of-mouth referral is initiated:

You are at a BBQ with friends, and the topic of the host’s beautiful grass comes up; someone asks how he does it, and he tells them about the company that comes out and sprays twice a month. Boom. Word-of-mouth referral for the lawn company.

The host doesn’t walk around telling everyone about the lawn care company; it just sort of came up in conversation. But he might mention the lawn care company if they incentivized him with some kind of reward.

Lucky for you, you don’t have to wait for the BBQ to get a referral. You can create referral-generating behavior on your own.

In your personal training business, referrals are a bit easier to come by because the results speak for themselves. Incentivize your clients to get their friends in to see you by letting them know that their referral will result in something free for them and their friends.

In a study conducted on referrals, it was shown that the person who gave the referral was more interested in helping out one of their friends than they were in helping themselves to the reward for the referral.

In other words, provide an incentive for both sides of the referral – the referrer and referee – to make both of them happy. One free personal trainer session for each is always a good idea, but you can get more creative if you want.

To take it a step further, make the process of referring that much easier. Sure you can tell your clients about your referral incentive program and see what happens — or, you can draft some kind of document or email that can easily be shared with the friend. This way your client has something tangible to pass on – like a card or an email – and the recipient has the card to bring in or the email in which to redeem with you.

It is perfectly fine to ask your clients for referrals on a weekly or monthly basis. Just don’t look desperate – give your clients the perception that you are really busy by saying something like “My schedule just opened up, and I can take on new clients. If you know anyone that is interested, please let them know I have some slots available.”

Reinforce your verbal message with a tangible email referral they can forward to their friend or the referral card.

Hint: If you really are busy, don’t give your clients the impression that you are not. A busy personal trainer is looked at as an excellent personal trainer. Pick the times that you want to ask for referrals discerningly, so you don’t look desperate. The email approach works here because it is a bit softer than the verbal ask.


Build your brand on social media

While it may seem like a given, this is a step many don’t know the proper way to do. Your current and past clients are some of your best referral sources. But, you have to keep them in the loop and let them know what’s going on with your business. One way to do this is by having a good online presence on social media.


You can use your social media to network with your clients by inviting them to events, such as open houses, workshops, or client appreciation parties.


But what are some key ingredients to a good social media page? Let’s break it down by service.


Creating a Facebook Business Page

If you’re a personal trainer, the first thing you should do is create a business page on Facebook. This will allow you to post updates about your business, events, and blog articles. To create a Facebook business page:


  1. Go to
  2. Click Create a Page.
  3. Choose the type of business page you want to create.
  4. Enter your business information, then click Continue.
  5. Follow the prompts to finish creating your business page. Be sure to fill out your business information completely, including your website address, business hours, and contact information.
  6. Invite friends, family and clients to “like” your business page, which will essentially subscribe them to anything you post.
  7. Start posting! Try to keep it to a maximum of once per day, and make it interesting enough to provoke engagement. 


Remember, your posts shouldn’t be salesy. Following the 80/20 rule is the most beneficial. 80% of your posts should be useful to your audience – interesting topics or posts that can be related to your business but not a sales pitch.


Creating a Tik Tok For Your Personal Training Business

Tik Tok is a social media platform that allows you to share short videos with your followers. It’s a great way to show off your personality and build trust with potential clients.


Once you create a Tik Tok account, there are a few ideas for content you can post on Tik Tok:


  1. Introduce yourself and your business
  2. Share why you got into personal training
  3. Offer workout tips
  4. Share healthy recipes
  5. Offer advice on staying motivated
  6. Highlight success stories from your current or past clients
  7. Offer a behind-the-scenes look at what it’s like to train with you
  8. Do a Q&A session
  9. Go live to answer questions from potential clients
  10. Announce any promotions or events you have coming up


Here are some additional tips for creating content for your Tik Tok:


  • Keep it short and sweet – People on TikTok have a short attention span, since its what they’ve grown to expect, so make sure your videos are under 60 seconds.
  • Be creative – Be creative with your content and try to stand out from the crowd.
  • Be yourself – Be authentic and show off your personality. This will help people connect with you and build trust.
  • Use hashtags – Use relevant hashtags so that people can find your videos easily.
  • Use call-to-actions – Include a call-to-action in your videos so that people know what to do next. Now that you know how to create content for your TikTok, it’s time to start posting! Try to post 1-2 videos per day, and make sure to engage with other users on the platform.


Creating an Instagram Business Page

If you’re a personal trainer, chances are you’re already using Instagram. But did you know that you can create a business page on Instagram? This will allow you to share updates about your business, events, and blog articles.


To create an Instagram business page:


  1. Go to and log in.
  2. Tap the hamburger icon in the top right-hand corner.
  3. Scroll down and tap Create a Business Profile.
  4. Enter your business information, then tap Done.
  5. Follow the prompts to finish creating your business page. Make sure to fill out your business information completely, including your website address, business hours, and contact information. 6. Tap Promote Your Page (optional). This will allow you to promote your page with ads.


Once you’ve created your business page, start posting! Try to keep it to a maximum of once per day, and just like with Facebook, make sure your posts are high-quality and interesting enough to provoke engagement. And remember here too, your posts shouldn’t be salesy – focus on providing value to your audience. 


If you’re struggling to come up with ideas for what to post, here are a few ideas, the same tips apply as with Tik Tok!


Invest in your own education to become more valuable

What can you do to become more valuable as a personal trainer? Certifications.

The major accrediting bodies: NASM, ACE, Fitness Mentors, ACSM, NSCA, etc…

All require some sort of continuing education. Why not use this opportunity to get additional credentials that make you:


  1. More knowledgeable
  2. More desirable
  3. More valuable


Take Fitness Mentors Certified Online Trainer Certification for example. This will allow you to help more clients by training people online. In turn, your clients will see you as certified to train people online, leading to more trust and a larger client base. 


Instead of a personal trainer who helps people lose weight or get in shape, you have now elevated your title to someone who can help them anywhere and at any time as a Certified Online Personal Trainer.


Speaking further on continuing education, our Business and Sales CEU Course offers all the CEUs you need to recertify your CPT credential and it contains actionable steps to build your business way beyond what this blog is providing. Call us at (800) 614-7004 or learn more here.


Obviously, there are multiple specializations you can go after all depending on your interests and goals. Most accreditation bodies have certifications for things like nutrition, weight loss, group training, martial arts, youth fitness, senior fitness and even golf.


The more you know the more valuable you are. The more valuable you are the more you can market yourself on guest blogs and fitness sites (see idea #1).

In addition to studying for certifications and adding more plaques to the wall, you’ll want to have a radar on the types of information your clients are consuming.


Any new fitness trends or nutritional trends may come up in conversations with your clients and you don’t want to be blindsided by them.


Here’s why:

If a client asks you a question about a current fitness trend and you give a deer in the headlights response, your credibility may be in question.


On the other hand:

If you are asked a question about some new fitness trend and can intelligently provide your insight on what it means to them or you, your client will trust you even more and value you as a resource.


Just remember, studying hard, attending conferences and workshops and getting additional certifications shouldn’t be looked at as expenses. They are investments in your business and your future.


Brand your personal training strategies and techniques

Have you ever heard of “Koga Fitness?” How about “8-minute abs?” Zumba? Tae-bo? You get the idea?


These are all examples of workout routines that are branded.


If you have a unique fitness strategy, tactic or technique, slap a name on it and talk about it.


Instead of telling your female clients that you’ll be working on their legs and butt today why not tell them you’re working on your signature “Brazilian Booty Blast” workout instead?


If you design something people like it will catch on and you’ll be known for coming up with a great workout rather than relying on the generic term “personal trainer.”


Who knows, maybe you’ll even create your own viral YouTube video and make millions on advertising?


Make sure you document (legally and otherwise) your branded fitness strategies so that you can create marketing materials to support it. You’ll be handing these out to clients and posting them on your website so you’ll want to be sure you don’t skimp on the graphic design and quality you put behind these little used marketing gems.


Get listed on the most popular online directories to maximize website referrals

This particular personal training marketing idea can also fall into what is called SEO or search engine optimization.

Check out this below search for “personal trainer west palm beach” on Google:

PT map pack

You’ll see that the first three results all appear in what is called the “map pack.”


Now, you don’t need a website to appear in this map pack but you are strongly advised to try to get some leads from common searches like this one.


The first thing you’ll want to do is claim your business with Google. You can do that by visiting their site and creating your business citation for free:


While Google is likely the most important citation (also known as directory) listing, there are others you’ll definitely want to try to get on.


Using this same search example of “personal trainer west palm beach” we can see some of the other popular directory sites you’ll want to be on lower in the search results:

Organic results personal trainer WPB

Jump on these sites and see if you can add your personal training business to their directory. Along with Thumbtack, Ideafit, Your Trainer, and AngiesList, another good place to get listed is on RightFit Personal Training.

You’ll want to build out as many citations as possible, getting in that “40 to 60 range or more” according to digital marketing expert Daniel Lofaso of the biotech marketing agency Digital Elevator. 

“Citations can influence your ability to rank locally,” says Lofaso. 

He also mentioned a quick Google search for “local business citation service” if you want to find a company that will help you affordably build out the most important citations for your personal training business.


Sign up for every online personal trainer site (niche directories)

Niche directories, as mentioned above, can be very valuable for personal trainers who are looking to get exposure online. To be included on these industry sites you simply need to add your listing to their directory and you’ll benefit from the exposure that these popular sites provide.


It can be challenging to find the exact locations on these sites where you can add your contact information but the listing portal can usually be found in the footer. 


For example, one of the most popular personal trainer sites in which to get listed is (which you’ll also notice from the example above came up second in a search for “personal trainer west palm beach”).


On this site, there is a link in the footer that says “Get Listed.”

Personal trainer niche directories

Other sites may have the portal in the footer as well and this is usually the most logical place to look for it (unless it is front and center on the homepage). Also, many of these sites, like, allow you to list your information within their directories for free but there may be some paid options as well.


How to Find Personal Trainer Listing Directories

The aforementioned way to find these niche personal trainer directories is to simply type in “personal trainer [city]” into Google search and see which ones are the most popular in your area. You’ll want to get on those first.

You can also get some solid directory listings by dong a search for “personal trainer directory listings” on Google. Here are a few popular one’s to get you started:

These sites tend to rank better than your ordinary personal trainer website so it pays to get on as many of them as possible.



Use Your Local Chamber of Commerce to Sell Group Fitness Packages to Business Owners based on Employee Productivity Research

As a personal trainer you know that if you don’t work out, you usually feel like crap. Well, the good news for marketing yourself as a personal trainer is that there is some scientific research that backs the aforementioned un-scientific statement and you can use that to get in front of lots of potentially great clients.


The scientific stuff, which was even covered by an article in Forbes, goes something like this:


  • Businesses are more profitable when workers are more productive;
  • Employees that workout are more likely to be productive because they have greater energy levels as well as higher self-esteem. These healthy employees take fewer sick days, have lower absenteeism, and cost the company less in health care costs, all things that lead to money saved for the business;
  • Thus, companies that encourage or offer employees fitness programs can benefit from increases in productivity, lower costs, and ultimately profitability.


This stuff practically sells itself if you know who to sell it to. Guess what? I’m going to tell you who to sell it to (hint: here’s where your local Chamber of Commerce fits in).


A great place to sell the idea of employee group fitness packages is at a place where business owners congregate. One of the first places that comes to mind is the local Chamber of Commerce (although you can approach any other organization that may have business owners).


I know what you’re saying, “Aren’t Chambers the types of places where realtors and florists go to try and get business?” Well, yes, but you are smarter than that because you’ll make these people want to come to you rather than you having to awkwardly try to shake a million hands to hunt down the decision-makers and tell them about your great employee productivity/profitability idea


Here’s what you do (assuming you are a member of the organization you are going to approach):

  • Contact your local Chamber of Commerce (do a Google search “[city] Chamber of Commerce”) and visit the About or Board of Directors page to track down the contact information for the President or Executive Director. You may even want to call the general number to see who the appropriate person to speak with might be.
  • Next, tell them that you want to host a workshop on “How Group Fitness Programs can Increase Company Profitability”


Hell, let’s make this easy for you. Here’s a script you can use:


Hello Director Gluteus,

I’m a new Chamber member, and I’d like to get more involved within the organization. I’d like to hold a workshop at the Chamber offices on the topic of “How Group Fitness Programs can Increase Company Profitability.” This is a research-backed topic that shows how an investment in fitness programs for employees results in increased employee productivity and profitability.

Please let me know if this is something that you think the members would be interested in attending and I can provide more details.



Personal Trainer Bob


Now that you’ve gone directly to the source and asked for their help in organizing an event that benefits their members, you’ll probably get a resounding “yes” for your request. Now you’ll have to begin to put together your presentation you built up so much.


Using the following studies (A, B, C, and D) as reference points, create a PowerPoint presentation that hits the following points:

  • Uses science to show how fitness results in decreased absenteeism, increased productivity and profitability.
  • Shows them your recommendations for group fitness programs that meet your criteria for helping employees stay physical fit (for example, twice a week sessions).
  • Shows them that you have already created an amazing program that they can enroll their employees in today!


Now, the Chamber is useful because they will market your workshop for you. To give them a proper nudge, request that they send out the news about your amazing workshop to their entire email list as well as their social media networks. 


Also, make sure you emphasize that the workshop is for business owners or decision-makers so these type of people show up. The email will likely also attract general personal training clients as well and that ain’t a bad thing!


To take it a step further, try to mention in the marketing that space is limited and that the follow up email should say “only a few seats left” or something like that that showcases demand for your workshop. Get a list of all the attendees before or after the workshop so you can follow up on your own and thank them for attending.


Chamber memberships are around $500/year (give or take) so if you get just one client it is likely it will pay for itself.


Partner with local health-conscious businesses

In the above example we learned how to leverage the power of a much larger organization to help us market our own services. You can do the same thing by partnering with other health-conscious businesses.


By doing this you not only get the exposure that the business can provide due to their much larger network, but you also get a statement about your credibility if a credible business mentions your services.


For example, in my neighborhood, a local coffee shop that attracts a lot of young, active people, hosts donation-only yoga classes every weekend. There are generally about 10 to 15 people who show up for the hour-long classes, generating the instructor about $10 per student times the two or three classes she gives each day. At $300 to $450 a day and only three hours of work, it’s not a bad partnership.


Plus she gets to make relationships with people who may be interested in her services whom can become clients the rest of the week.

What local businesses do you think would make for good partnerships in your community? Take some time to explore opportunities and determine if your services would also be a good fit for the businesses you’d like to approach.


Charitable donations

Charitable donations are good for two reasons – tax deductions and free exposure – and for the purposes of this personal trainer marketing idea we will be focused on the latter (click the previous link to vet the potential charities for specific tax info).


This is actually a bit of a diamond in the rough marketing tip that I have used before and that has landed me quite a few new clients. Here’s how it works, it’s pretty simple.


Do some research on upcoming charitable events in your area by Googling “charitable events [city].” After finding one that you particularly resonate with, contact the event director to let them know that you are interested and to see if you could donate some personal training sessions as a prize.


If this is agreeable, see if you can get mentioned by name (or website or brand) during the charity as well as on their website and their marketing materials. I found that offering a free 3-pack of sessions is a great way to get exposure, gives you the opportunity to turn that offer into a client, and allows you to get a nice little tax write-off if you do it right.


Attend Local events

Another great way to market your personal training services is by attending local events as a vendor. This could be anything from a health fair at the mall to an event put on by another local business.


The key is to have some kind of interactive element that will help you engage with people and start building relationships. For example, you could offer free body fat testing or mini-consultations where people can come and talk to you about their health and fitness goals.


If you have a laptop or tablet with you, you can even get people to sign up for your email list on the spot so you can follow up with them later. And of course, don’t forget to bring plenty of business cards!


Another great way to market your personal training business is by networking with other local businesses, which we get more into later. This could be anything from partnering with a local gym to co-sponsoring a charity event. But the key is to find businesses that complement your own (think: health food stores, yoga studios, etc.) and that attract your ideal clientele.


By partnering with these types of businesses, you can not only get exposure to their network of customers, but you can also start building relationships with other like-minded business owners in your community through various local events.


You can even offer to speak for free at events. This is another excellent way to get your name and face out there in the community, build relationships with potential clients, and position yourself as an expert in your field.


And don’t forget to follow up with everyone you meet! Whether it’s a potential client or a new business connection, make sure you take the time to send a personal email or give them a call so they remember who you are and what you do.


Offer healthy shopping outings

As a trainer you know that nutrition is, for most, more important than working out. This is why offering to take your clients to the grocery store, and educate on what you recommend that they eat, is a great way to provide more value as well as show them how much you care about their results.


This works best if you take one client at a time to their favorite grocery store, and show them how to eat right based on their budget, likes and fitness goals. The idea is not to criticize them if they go straight for the Twinkies, but to educate them on how balance in their diet can really help them perform at their peak.


As a bonus, or if you want to upsell an additional service, let them know that you will create a nutritionally balanced meal plan for them so that they can easily follow it and get results. 


Whether their goal is weight loss, weight gain or muscle gain, your expertise will allow you to create something valuable and that will keep them wanting to keep coming back for more of your advice.


Host competitions against clients and get local sponsors involved

If you really want to make a splash and go after some big time public relations exposure, this idea is for you. Hold your very own “Biggest Loser” type contest with your clients and set a start date where you take measurements on weight, or, if you specialize in another area, gains in the chest or biceps.


Once you have your pool of contestants, start sounding the horn. Get local businesses involved (health-conscious businesses are recommended but not mandatory) and ask them to provide gifts, in exchange for exposure, as part of a grand prize (and runner-up prizes). 


From there you’ll also want to get the local media involved to see if they will cover the story. The media loves these type of feel-good stories so if you can get ahold of them and get them to agree to cover your contest you’ll benefit from a lot of free exposure (as will the local businesses that you involve).


After the initial time period is up, let your participants and the media know who the winner is. 


You’ll want to take before and after pictures and promote them on your website, at the gym and on social media to show progress and how great your training is. You can also use the contest to continually market yourself and use the client testimonials to get social proof on your efforts.


Advertise a personal training session “bring a friend to any session, anytime” promotion

Allow existing clients to bring a friend in to any session, anytime, or advertise that you are opening up sessions to include the ability to bring in friends. 


This works well because friends like to work out with friends and if you open up this promotion for free, your clients will actually feel good about giving the gift of health to their friends.


This practice works best if your clients tell you that they want to take you up on the promotion and you provide them with a signed waiver with a specific date (you’ll especially need a signed waiver if you train at a corporate gym). 


The idea is to give your clients something tangible – the nicer looking the waiver the better – that they can hand to their friends.


When the friend comes in to work out with you and your client it will be easy to get to know them quickly. When they see how badass you are and how great it is to share your fitness knowledge, they’ll be more likely to sign up for their own sessions.


Offer package pricing to encourage longer-term relationships

You may have heard the old marketing cliché that getting new clients costs five times as much to acquire than an existing one does to retain. Whether this is true or not, the reality is that more time should go into wowing your existing clients than trying to drum up new business.


Think of the cell phone companies – does it piss you off too that all the promotions are for new clients and existing, long-term clients get the shaft? The lesson here is don’t be like the cell phone companies; benefit from existing clients by upselling them and keeping them around for the long haul.


One of the best ways to do this is to offer package pricing – something like “buy five sessions get one free” – to create real value for your clients. This not only extends your relationship, giving you more time to prove results but also shows your clients that you care about their wallets.


Host a free live virtual workout on Zoom

In the aftermath of the pandemic, many are still feeling isolated and cut off from their usual workout routines. As a personal trainer, you have the ability to help people stay on track (or get back on track) by hosting a free live virtual workout.


This can be done easily through Zoom (or another video conferencing platform), and all you need is a laptop or smartphone. You can promote the workout on your website and social media platforms, and people can sign up to participate from anywhere in the world.


The best part about this idea is that it can be done entirely for free, and it’s a great way to show your expertise and get exposure to your business. You can also use it as an opportunity to upsell people on your personal training services by offering a discount for those who sign up for sessions after the workout.


Do fitness competitions yourself

Enroll in a bodybuilding competition yourself – such as a “figure competition” – and the exposure you get from the comp, as well as the marketing you’re doing to promote how good you are looking via social media, will help spur leads.


CrossFit trainers do this all the time. You’ll often see a trainer in a CrossFit Games or similar competition sporting their gyms’ attire, all the while doing wonders for their exposure. 


Not only do people get to see you in action, putting your strength and training techniques to practice, but they also see that you train at a gym, providing you instant credibility and attracting attention to your gym or brand.


Embrace the power of cross-referring

Personal trainers are not isolated in their aim to help clients get healthy. There are lots of other health and fitness professionals that help people become their best that may not necessarily involve weight training or exercise.


These are the types of professionals you should seek out – start with five – so that you can cross-refer clients to one another. 


Think of local nutritionists, chiropractors or physical therapists, physicians, hair stylists, massage therapists, sports coaches, etc. who your clients may benefit from. The referral partnership should be communicated – don’t just refer them without letting the other professional know that you’d like to try to cross-refer – and be proactive about your referrals consciously.


When referring, go the extra mile and call the professional with your client standing next to you or shoot them an email and CC your client so that the connection is actually generated. Don’t just say “go visit Dr. Jones,” form the connection and benefit from instances when your referral network does the same for you.


Leverage fitness forums to display your expert knowledge

Fitness forums are a great way to generate leads as a personal trainer because they allow you to show off your expert knowledge.


You can find fitness forums by doing a quick Google search or by looking on social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn. Once you’ve found a few that look promising, take some time to read through the posts and get a feel for the type of questions people are asking.


Once you’ve got a good understanding of the kinds of questions people are asking, start chiming in with your answers. Be sure to include your website or contact information with your answers so that people can reach out to you if they’re interested in working with you.


Over time, you’ll start to develop a reputation as an expert in the fitness industry, and people will be more likely to reach out to you when they’re looking for a personal trainer.


Buy gear that starts a conversation

We’re not only talking about gear with your logo on it here. We’re talking about wearing something that provokes engagement, like a sticker that says “I’m a Personal Trainer – Ask me a question!”.


This is a great way to start conversations with potential clients, and it allows you to promote your services.


You can also buy promotional items like water bottles or keychains that have your website or contact information on them. Hand these out to people you meet so that they have a way to reach out to you if they’re interested in working with you.

Personal Trainer Marketing Is Important!

By adequately marketing and growing your personal training business, you can have a positive impact on the lives of your clients and make a great living doing something you love. But it takes more than just being a great personal trainer to be successful in this industry. You also need to be savvy about marketing and business.

Our course, Business and Sales: The Guide to Success As A Personal Trainer, will teach you everything you need to know about marketing and growing your business. You’ll learn how to find new clients, how to promote your services, and how to run your business so that it’s profitable and sustainable.

Enroll now and get started on growing your personal training business!

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