Protein Intake Calculator – How Much Protein Should You Eat?

Protein Intake Calculator

Find out how much protein you should consume per day!

protein food products

This calculator utilizes the Mifflin-St Jeor equation which utilizes a systematic review to help users determine protein intake based on individual factors. Keep in mind a healthy diet includes carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals in addition to protein. 

Understanding our Protein Intake Calculator:


A protein intake calculator provides personalized recommendations based on individual factors such as age, weight, activity level, and fitness goals. By using a protein intake calculator, individuals can ensure they are consuming the optimal amount of protein to support muscle growth, repair, and overall health. This personalized approach helps individuals tailor their nutrition plan to meet their specific needs, whether they are aiming to build muscle, lose weight, or improve athletic performance. Additionally, a protein intake calculator can help individuals track their progress and make adjustments as needed to achieve their desired outcomes effectively.

In the world of fitness and nutrition, protein stands as a pillar of strength and vitality. It serves as the building blocks for muscle tissue, aids in muscle repair and recovery, supports immune function, and plays a crucial role in various metabolic processes. As a 20 year master personal trainer, determining the optimal protein intake for my clients has been paramount in helping them achieve their fitness goals and maintain their overall health. Aside from the calculator above let’s dive into the significance of protein intake, explore its importance, discuss methods for calculating protein in food, and highlight its essential functions in the body.

Welcome to Protein Class! I’ll be your professor! 


Understanding Protein Intake:

Protein intake refers to the amount of protein consumed daily through dietary sources such as meat, poultry, fish, dairy, legumes, nuts, seeds, and other sources. The recommended protein intake varies depending on factors such as age, gender, weight, activity level, and fitness goals. For individuals engaged in resistance training, especially to gain muscle or increase muscle definition, higher protein intake may be necessary to support muscle growth, repair, and recovery.


Importance of Protein:

Protein plays a many unique roles in the body, and is pivotal for various physiological functions:

1. Muscle Growth and Repair:

Protein provides the essential amino acids necessary for muscle protein synthesis, the process by which muscles grow and repair following exercise-induced damage. Adequate protein intake is crucial for optimizing muscle recovery and promoting muscle hypertrophy (growth). Too little protein can hinder this process and can even lead to a loss of muscle. 

2. Metabolic Health:

Protein has a higher thermic effect compared to carbohydrates and fats, meaning the body expends more energy (calories) during protein digestion and metabolism. This can contribute to increased satiety, improved metabolic rate, and enhanced fat loss when included as part of a balanced diet.

3. Immune Function:

Many immune system components, including antibodies and immune cells, are composed of proteins. Consuming adequate protein supports immune function, helping to defend against infections and illnesses.

4. Hormone Regulation:

Proteins serve as precursors for various hormones and enzymes involved in regulating metabolism, growth, and tissue repair. Adequate protein intake is essential for maintaining hormonal balance and overall health.


Calculating Protein in Food:

Determining the protein content of food items can be done using various methods:

1. Food Labels:

Most packaged food products display nutritional information, including protein content, on their labels. Reading food labels can help individuals track their protein intake and make informed dietary choices.

2. Online Databases and Apps:

Several online resources and smartphone apps provide comprehensive databases of food items and their nutritional profiles. These tools allow users to search for specific foods and calculate their protein content per serving.

3. Weighing and Measuring:

For unprocessed or homemade foods without nutritional labels, weighing and measuring ingredients using kitchen scales and measuring cups can help estimate protein content based on standardized serving sizes.


The Role of Protein in the Body:

Protein serves as the foundation for numerous physiological processes, including:

1. Enzymes and Catalysts:

Proteins act as enzymes and catalysts, facilitating biochemical reactions essential for metabolism, digestion, and nutrient absorption.

2. Structural Support:

Proteins provide structural support to cells, tissues, and organs, contributing to the integrity and function of muscles, bones, skin, hair, and nails.

3. Transport and Storage:

Proteins help transport molecules such as oxygen, nutrients, and waste products throughout the body, ensuring proper cellular function and metabolic balance.

4. pH Balance and Fluid Regulation:

Certain proteins act as buffers, helping maintain pH balance and fluid homeostasis within the body. They play a crucial role in regulating blood pH, electrolyte levels, and overall acid-base balance.


Foods High in Protein

When it comes to obtaining protein from food sources, a diverse and balanced diet is key to ensuring adequate intake of essential amino acids and supporting overall health and well-being. Incorporating a variety of protein-rich foods into your diet can provide a wide range of nutrients while satisfying your daily protein requirements. Here are some of the best foods to get protein from:

  1. Lean Meats:

Lean meats such as chicken breast, turkey breast, lean cuts of beef, and pork tenderloin are excellent sources of high-quality protein. These meats are not only rich in protein but also low in fat, making them ideal choices for individuals looking to optimize their protein intake while minimizing excess calories.

  1. Fish and Seafood:

Fish and seafood are nutrient-dense sources of protein that also provide essential omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Salmon, tuna, trout, sardines, and mackerel are particularly rich in protein and heart-healthy fats, making them valuable additions to any diet.

  1. Eggs:

Eggs are a versatile and affordable protein source, containing all nine essential amino acids in a highly digestible form. Incorporating eggs into your diet can provide a nutrient-packed boost of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Whether boiled, scrambled, or poached, eggs make a convenient and nutritious addition to meals and snacks.

  1. Dairy Products:

Dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cheese, and cottage cheese are rich in protein and calcium, essential for bone health and muscle function. Opt for low-fat or non-fat varieties to minimize saturated fat intake while maximizing protein content.

  1. Plant-Based Proteins:

Plant-based protein sources such as legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas), tofu, tempeh, edamame, nuts, seeds, and quinoa are excellent options for individuals following vegetarian or vegan diets. These foods are not only rich in protein but also high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, promoting overall health and satiety.



Tips for Getting Protein in the Diet:

1. Prioritize Protein at Each Meal:

Include a source of protein in every meal and snack to ensure consistent intake throughout the day. This helps promote muscle protein synthesis and supports satiety and weight management.

2. Plan and Prep Protein-Rich Meals:

Plan and prepare meals in advance to ensure you have convenient access to protein-rich foods throughout the week. Batch cooking proteins like chicken, fish, or tofu can save time and streamline meal preparation.

3. Incorporate Protein into Snacks:

Choose protein-rich snacks such as Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, hard-boiled eggs, or nuts and seeds to help bridge the gap between meals and maintain energy levels.

4. Experiment with Plant-Based Proteins:

Explore a variety of plant-based protein sources to diversify your diet and enhance nutrient intake. Incorporate beans, lentils, tofu, and other plant-based proteins into soups, salads, stir-fries, and grain bowls for a flavorful and satisfying meal.

5. Read Food Labels:

Pay attention to food labels and choose products with higher protein content and lower added sugars and unhealthy fats. Opt for lean protein sources and minimally processed foods whenever possible to maximize nutritional benefits.

By incorporating these protein-rich foods into your diet and following these practical tips, you can ensure you’re meeting your daily protein needs while enjoying a balanced and nutritious eating pattern that supports your overall health and fitness goals.


Overall, protein intake plays a vital role in supporting muscle growth, repair, and overall health. Understanding the importance of protein, calculating protein content in food, and recognizing its essential functions in the body are key steps in optimizing nutrition and achieving fitness goals. By incorporating adequate protein into their diets and utilizing protein intake calculators as a guide, individuals can harness the power of protein to maximize muscle strength, enhance recovery, and promote overall well-being.

1RM Calculator – Determine Your One Rep Max


Determine the maximum weight you can bench press, squat and deadlift with our 1RM calculator.

As it relates to strength training and powerlifting, the term “one rep max” (1RM) holds a lot of weight (pun). It serves as a fundamental metric for gauging an individual’s strength and progress in their fitness and strength journey. In this blog written by yours truly, the founder and CEO of Fitness Mentors, we’ll show you how to use the one rep max calculator, explore what a one rep max is, learn it’s significance and its application across various exercises.

What is a One Rep Max?

The one rep max, often abbreviated as 1RM, refers to the maximum amount of weight an individual can lift for a single repetition of a given exercise. It represents the maximum of an individual’s strength for that particular exercise. The one rep max is a cornerstone in strength training programs, providing valuable insights into an individual’s strength levels and serving as a benchmark for setting training goals and monitoring progress.

 Significance of One Rep Max:

As a personal trainer for over 20 years, I have utilized the one rep max test and the above calculator for myself and my clients in the following ways:

1. Strength Assessment:

The one rep max offers a clear assessment of an individual’s maximal strength for a specific exercise. Knowing one’s 1RM helps me tailor workout programs for athletes and advanced lifters to address strengths and weaknesses effectively. Using the deadlift, squat and bench press as primary exercises, I can determine which lifts may need additional work from the following formula.

Effective strength for advanced lifters and athletes typically follow this pattern: 100DL:90SQ:80BP


  • Deadlift = 300lbs
  • Squat 90% of deadlift weight = 270lbs
  • Bench Press 80% of deadlift weight = 240lbs

If my clients were unable to meet the 100:90:80 ratio I would know which muscles need to be strengthened and lifts need to be improved. 

2. Goal Setting:

Understanding one’s one rep max facilitates the establishment of realistic and achievable training goals. Whether aiming to increase muscle mass or enhance overall strength, setting targets based on 1RM ensures specificity and measurable progress.

Even with beginning clients that are looking to gain strength, I can safely utilize the 1RM formulas and calculator above to measure their one rep max and track progress over time. 

3. Progress Tracking:

Regularly assessing and reassessing the one rep max enables me as a trainer to track clients progress accurately. As strength improves, I can adjust training variables such as intensity, volume, and frequency to ensure continued progression.

4. Program Individualization:

Knowledge of the one rep max allows fitness professionals to design personalized training programs tailored to an individual’s unique strength capabilities and goals. This customization optimizes training effectiveness and minimizes the risk of overtraining or injury.

Utilizing a percentage of one rep max allows me to program weights for my clients effectively. 70-80% of 1RM is a great weight range to gain muscle around the 6-12 rep range. 85-95% of 1RM is a great weight range to increase maximal strength around the 2-5 rep range. Using the one rep max test to determine weights for each individual is a crucial tool I use to program effectively. 


Determining the One Rep Max:

What is the safest way to test for one rep max? 

While direct testing provides the most accurate results, it may not always be feasible or safe, especially for novice lifters or those without access to appropriate equipment. 

Safest way to perform One Repetition Maximum Testing:

This involves performing progressively heavier lifts until failure, around the 5 repetition range. By completing submaximal efforts until failure, meaning they are unable to get five repetitions or unable to get a sixth repetition, one can estimate the one rep max using established formulas like the Epley, Brzycki, or Lombardi equations. These formulas are  shown below and utilized in the calculator above. 

  • Epley’s Formula: Weight (lbs) multiplied by (1 + 0.0333 × reps).
  • Brzycki’s Formula: Weight (lbs) divided by ( 1.0278 – 0.0278 × reps ).
  • Lombardi’s Formula: Weight (lbs) × reps ^ 0.1.


Exercises for One Rep Max Testing:

While the one rep max can be determined for almost any exercise, some movements are more commonly assessed due to their prevalence in strength training programs and powerlifting competitions. These include:

Bench Press:

A compound exercise targeting the chest, shoulders, and triceps, the bench press is a popular choice for assessing upper body strength.


The squat is a fundamental lower body exercise that targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core muscles. It is often used to evaluate lower body strength and overall functional fitness.


As one of the most primal and functional movements, the deadlift engages multiple muscle groups, including the hamstrings, glutes, lower back, and grip muscles. It is a key exercise in assessing posterior chain strength and overall power.



The one rep max serves as a useful tool in strength training, offering valuable insights into an individual’s maximal strength capabilities and serving as a foundation for goal setting and progress tracking. By understanding the significance of the one rep max and utilizing its process safely, individuals can optimize their training programs, enhance their performance, and achieve their fitness goals effectively. Whether aspiring to build muscle, increase strength, or improve overall health and wellness, harnessing the power of the one rep max is key to establishing a baseline from which to build upon.

How Personal Trainers Can Create Personalized Workout Plans for Clients

How Personal Trainers Can Create Personalized Workout Plans for Clients

By the end of this blog, you will have a bulletproof plan that will help you access every client’s needs so that you can provide them with the best results possible.

You will learn how to assess their starting point, how to define their end goal, how to create a plan specifically for that end goal, and then how to use cardio and nutrition to put the icing on the cake.

Before we talk about the master plan, let’s start with your prerequisite. It is just as important, if not more important than anything else we will mention in this blog.

Actively Listening To Your Client

Listening is an indispensable cornerstone of being a proficient personal trainer. By actively and empathetically listening to clients, trainers can grasp their unique goals, concerns, and preferences. This valuable information enables trainers to tailor fitness plans that are not only effective but also aligned with the individual’s aspirations and limitations. Through attentive listening, trainers build trust and rapport, creating an environment where clients feel understood and motivated. Starting a fitness journey is already very scary and daunting to many, so making clients feel heard and understood is often something they need to get them to keep showing up. Furthermore, it allows trainers to monitor progress, adapt routines, and address any issues that may arise, fostering a holistic approach to wellness. In essence, the ability to listen attentively empowers personal trainers to create personalized, sustainable fitness journeys that genuinely cater to the needs of their clients.

5-Step Plan Catered to Each Client’s Specific Needs

To be the best trainer you can be, you are going to need a plan that works for each and every client. You need a guide that allows you to turn a complete stranger into a fitness guru, regardless of starting point, genetics, preferences, etc. For that reason, we broke the process down into five easy to follow and easy-to-understand steps that will ensure you can create tailored workout plans for all of your clients. Let’s get straight into it.

STEP 1: Assess Your Clients Abilities

Before diving into any workout plan, it’s crucial to assess your client’s current abilities. This will help you understand where they stand and set realistic goals.

What is Their Body Composition?
Body composition refers to the proportion of fat, muscle, bone, and water in your body. You can measure this through various methods like body fat calipers, bioelectrical impedance, or DEXA scans. Understanding their body composition will give you insight into areas they may need to focus on, such as losing body fat or building muscle.

What are their Movement Abilities?
Evaluate their mobility, flexibility, and any limitations they may have. Identifying areas that need improvement will help you incorporate exercises that address these issues and prevent injuries.

What is Their Current Level of Fitness?
Assess their cardiovascular endurance, strength, and overall fitness level. This assessment will serve as a baseline to track their progress as they advance through their workout plan.

STEP 2: Define Their Goals

Having clear and specific goals is essential for creating a personalized workout plan. Ask your client what they want to achieve and set both short-term and long-term goals based on that. 

Are they looking to lose weight, gain muscle, increase strength, improve endurance, or enhance overall fitness? Defining their goals will help you tailor their workout plan to align with these objectives.

STEP 3: Create The Personalized Workout Plan

Now that you know where your client stands and what they want to achieve, it’s time to design their workout plan.

Sample Personalized Fitness Plan
For those who want a general workout split, the one below is a staple that allows for 4 days of working out, 3 days of rest and hits every part of the body. This can be the master split that you work off of.
Sample Advanced Weekly Split:
However, you may have clients that come to you and emphasize that they really want to grow specific body parts. For example, a client may want to enhance their chest and legs. What you can then do, is sacrifice one of the rest days and make the split look something like this:
Sample Advanced Weekly Split:

There is no perfect way to structure a workout split. Just make sure that every part of the body is being adequately stimulated and that each of your muscle groups has sufficient time to recover before you hit them again. Other than that, it is extremely customizable and you can use it to build your body however you feel is best!

If you are having some trouble putting this together on your own, you can get some help from our, predesigned workout templates

How to Choose the Right Exercises For Your Client
Select exercises that align with their goals, fitness level, and equipment availability.

Consider compound exercises that work for multiple muscle groups simultaneously, such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and overhead presses. Additionally, incorporate isolation exercises to target specific muscles that they are trying to enhance.

Choose Rep Ranges, Sets, and Rest Time

  • For strength and muscle gain, aim for 6-8 reps per set for 3-5 sets with 2-3 minutes of rest between sets.
  • For hypertrophy (muscle growth), aim for 8-12 reps per set for 3-4 sets with 1-2 minutes of rest between sets.
  • For endurance, aim for 12-15+ reps per set for 2-3 sets with 30 seconds to 1 minute of rest between sets.

Quality over Quantity
Emphasize to your client to focus on performing exercises with proper form and technique. It’s better to do fewer repetitions with proper form than to sacrifice form for more reps, as this can lead to injuries.

STEP 4: Create a Cardio Workout Plan

Cardiovascular exercise is essential for improving heart health, burning calories, and boosting endurance. Even if your client doesn’t need to lose fat, cardio is an essential aspect of maintaining good health and reaching most people’s goals. Cardio can be done in numerous ways. There’s walking, running, sprinting, stairs, swimming, jump rope, battle ropes, HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts, and more. Depending on your clients’ ability, you may want to start with an easier form of cardio like walking, and slowly move your way up until they are able to handle the HIIT workouts. Cardio should be implemented for at least 20-30 minutes either before or after the main workout. If your client’s goal is to lose fat, before the workout is preferable since they will have more energy dedicated to burning the calories. However, if your client’s goal is to build muscle, cardio is better done after the workout, so that they don’t sacrifice their energy for hypertrophy on cardio.

STEP 5: Create a Personalized Nutrition Plan

People say that gains are made in the kitchen for a reason. A well-rounded fitness journey always involves a balanced nutrition plan.

Basic Lifestyle Guidelines:

  • Your client should consume a variety of whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. The quality of the food matters.
  • They need to stay hydrated and limit sugary beverages.
  • Be mindful of portion sizes and avoid overeating.
  • Limit processed and high-calorie foods.

Although it may not be directly in the diet, emphasize to your client that they can have a cheat meal now and again. They shouldn’t be miserable because of their diet; if they are, it is hard to get them to stay on it.

If their favorite snack is a chocolate bar, work the nutrition plan around that and sacrifice some calories for enjoyment. It’ll ultimately lead to better results.

If you are having trouble putting all the foods together, you can have your client follow some of our proven and effective nutrition plans.

Reaching Health and Fitness Goals is Tough

Acknowledge that the journey to achieving their fitness goals may not always be smooth, and there might be obstacles along the way. Motivate them to stay persistent, stay positive, and remember why they started this journey in the first place. Reinforce their efforts by recognizing their progress and showing it to them in case they cannot see it in themselves. Keep them on the right track 

Are You a Fitness Coach or Interested in Becoming One?

If you have a passion for fitness and helping others, consider becoming a certified personal trainer. Share your knowledge and expertise to inspire and guide individuals on their fitness journeys.


Creating a personalized workout plan for your client is a crucial step towards helping them achieve their health and fitness goals. By assessing your clients’ abilities, defining their objectives, and tailoring their exercises, sets, reps, and rest times, you can design an effective and sustainable workout routine for them. Remember to complement their efforts with a well-balanced nutrition plan and motivation to stay committed to your journey. They must embrace the challenges. Celebrate their progress, and enjoy the positive impact of helping someone achieve a healthier and fitter lifestyle.


CEO of – Teaching 30,000+ students how to become CPT’s

BS Kinesiology, NASM-CPT, CES, PES FNS, MMAS, WLS, FM-CPT, ACE-CPT, Master Personal Trainer

Eddie Lester is the founder and CEO of Fitness Mentors. With more that 17 years experience in the health, fitness and athletics field, he has helped tens of thousands of personal trainers transform their careers and reach their business goals. With a background in Kinesiology and Exercise Physiology Eddie has assisted in research that is spearheading the exercise science field.

His in-depth knowledge of the Health, Wellness and Fitness industry has earned him a place as a regular contributor on high profile sites such as the Personal Trainer Development Center, (Dan to list top sites) online where he writes about nutrition and personal training.

His contributions to help personal trainers include a weekly blog, podcast, youtube channel and multiple books including: Business and Sales: the Guide to Success as a Personal Trainer.

Eddie’s Philosophy often times includes focusing on the bigger picture in which daily positive contributions lead to a major impact on himself, his family, his community and the world.

Eddie is commonly found at the beaches of Southern California with his wife Courtney and five kids.

A Comprehensive Guide to The USAW Certification

A Comprehensive Guide to The USAW Certification

In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about the USA Weightlifting certification, from its history and benefits to the certification process and beyond.

Understanding the USA Weightlifting Certification

History and Background

USA Weightlifting, the official governing body for the sport of weightlifting in the United States, has been fostering excellence in weightlifting since its inception. With over 250,000 members and the mission to promote and develop weightlifting at all levels, USA Weightlifting offers certification programs designed to equip coaches with the skills and knowledge they need to guide athletes toward success.

Certification Levels

USA Weightlifting offers two primary levels of certification:

Level 1: Sports Performance Coach

This entry-level certification provides coaches with a foundational understanding of weightlifting techniques, safety protocols, and programming fundamentals. It’s perfect for those who are new to coaching or looking to enhance their coaching skills.

Level 2: Advanced Sports Performance Coach

Building upon the Level 1 certification, this advanced level delves deeper into advanced techniques, programming strategies, and athlete performance analysis. It’s ideal for coaches who are ready to take their coaching career to the next level.

Eligibility Criteria and Prerequisites

To pursue a USA Weightlifting certification, certain prerequisites must be met. These usually include a minimum age requirement, completion of educational modules, and, in some cases, prior coaching experience. The organization outlines these prerequisites clearly to ensure that certified coaches are well-prepared to guide athletes effectively and safely. Here are a few things you should expect:

Age Requirement: To embark on the exciting journey of the USA Weightlifting certification, you’ll need to meet a minimum age requirement. Generally, this age requirement is 17 years old. This ensures that you have the maturity and understanding necessary to embark on a coaching career and guide athletes effectively.

Educational Modules: As you set out on your certification path, you’ll encounter educational modules designed to equip you with the knowledge you need. These modules cover a range of topics, from weightlifting techniques to coaching methodologies. Completing these modules not only enhances your understanding but also prepares you for success in the certification process.

Coaching Experience (Varies): When it comes to coaching experience, there’s flexibility. While prior coaching experience can be advantageous, especially if you’re aiming for the advanced certification level, it’s not always a strict requirement. Whether you’re an experienced coach or someone new to the coaching realm, the USA Weightlifting certification is attainable and tailored to accommodate various experience levels.

Passion for Weightlifting: Your genuine passion for weightlifting is your driving force. It’s what fuels your desire to help athletes excel, and it’s the spark that ignites your coaching journey. Your enthusiasm for the sport will not only make the certification process engaging but also set the tone for your coaching career.

Physical Fitness: While you don’t need to be an Olympic weightlifter yourself, having a basic level of physical fitness is beneficial. It allows you to better understand the physical demands that athletes face, empathize with their challenges, and provide tailored guidance based on your own experiences.

Commitment to Learning: As the weightlifting landscape evolves, your commitment to continuous learning becomes vital. By staying updated with the latest coaching techniques, safety protocols, and industry trends, you ensure that your certification remains relevant and your coaching remains effective.

Positive Attitude: Coaching is not just about sets and reps; it’s about building relationships, motivating athletes, and creating a positive training environment. A positive and supportive attitude goes a long way in fostering athlete development, building trust, and ensuring a fulfilling coaching experience for both you and your athletes.

Benefits of a USA Weightlifting Certification

Benefits of a USA Weightlifting Certification

Enhanced Coaching Skills and Knowledge

Obtaining the USA Weightlifting certification isn’t just about getting a piece of paper. It’s about gaining valuable insights into weightlifting techniques, coaching methodologies, and athlete management. You’ll learn how to identify and correct lifting techniques, program effective training regimens, and tailor your coaching approach to different skill levels.

Credibility and Recognition

The USA Weightlifting certification adds a layer of credibility to your coaching credentials. As a certified coach, you’re recognized as someone who has undergone rigorous training and assessment, making you a trusted expert in the field. This recognition can open doors to coaching opportunities at gyms, sports teams, and beyond.

Working with Diverse Clientele

Whether you’re working with beginners or seasoned athletes, a USA Weightlifting certification equips you with the skills to cater to a diverse range of clients. From teaching proper form to newcomers to fine-tuning techniques for elite athletes, your certification prepares you to address various coaching scenarios.

Access to Ongoing Education and Resources

The world of fitness and weightlifting is constantly evolving. USA Weightlifting understands this and provides certified coaches with access to a wealth of ongoing education opportunities, workshops, webinars, and resources. This ensures that you stay up-to-date with the latest

USA Weightlifting Certification Process

Becoming a Certified Coach

To become a USA Weightlifting certified coach, you’ll need to follow a structured certification process. This typically involves the following steps:

1. Registration and Application

Begin by registering for the certification program of your choice. The application process is straightforward and can be completed online.

2. Written Exam

  The USA Weightlifting (USAW) exam is a comprehensive assessment that evaluates your knowledge and understanding of weightlifting coaching principles. It covers a range of topics, including weightlifting techniques, coaching methodologies, safety protocols, programming strategies, and nutritional guidance. The exam is designed to ensure that you’re equipped with the necessary skills to guide athletes effectively and safely in their weightlifting journey. It typically consists of a written portion that tests your theoretical knowledge and a practical portion that assesses your ability to apply coaching techniques in a hands-on setting. 

3. Practical Exam

The practical exam evaluates your coaching skills in a hands-on setting. You’ll be required to demonstrate your ability to coach athletes through various lifts, provide feedback, and ensure their safety during training.

4. Continuing Education

After you’ve earned your USAW certification, the journey of learning and growth doesn’t stop. The timing for continued education varies depending on your certification level and the policies of USA Weightlifting. Generally, you’ll be required to engage in continued education on an ongoing basis, typically over a set period, such as every two years.

Core Topics Covered in Certification

Weightlifting Techniques and Mechanics

One of the foundational elements of the USA Weightlifting certification is gaining a deep understanding of weightlifting techniques and mechanics. You’ll learn the intricacies of lifts such as the snatch and clean and jerk, including proper form, common mistakes, and how to correct them.

Safety and Injury Prevention

Safety is paramount in weightlifting. You’ll be educated on how to create a safe training environment, spot athletes effectively, and address common safety concerns to minimize the risk of injuries.

Programming for Different Levels

Effective coaching involves tailoring training programs to athletes’ individual needs and goals. As a certified coach, you’ll learn how to create personalized training regimens for athletes of varying skill levels, from beginners to advanced lifters.

Nutritional Guidance for Weightlifters

Nutrition plays a significant role in athletes’ performance and recovery. A USA Weightlifting certification covers the basics of sports nutrition, helping you provide athletes with valuable dietary advice to enhance their training outcomes.

Exploring Career Opportunities

Coaching Roles

With your USA Weightlifting certification in hand, you’ll be equipped to pursue various coaching roles. These could include working at local gyms, training athletes in sports teams, or even establishing your private coaching practice. The versatility of the certification allows you to choose a path that aligns with your interests and expertise.

Income and Growth Prospects

Certified weightlifting coaches often enjoy increased income potential due to their specialized skills and credibility. As your reputation grows and you accumulate more experience, your coaching services become more sought after, potentially leading to higher earning opportunities.

Group Fitness Instructor Takeaway

Accreditation is a very important factor for those group fitness instructors that want to work within a corporate setting. Many gyms or fitness facilities will require an accreditation for gainful employment. However, lack of an accredited certification does not mean you can’t become a great group fitness instructor; you just have to weigh your career path and consider if this is important to your end goals.

Comparison with Other Certifications

Standout Features of the USA Weightlifting Certification

While there are several coaching certifications available, the USA Weightlifting certification stands out for its specificity to the sport of weightlifting. Unlike more general coaching certifications, USA Weightlifting focuses exclusively on the techniques, skills, and knowledge necessary to excel in weightlifting coaching.

Why a USA Weightlifting Certification?

Choosing a USA Weightlifting certification demonstrates your commitment to the field of weightlifting. It showcases your dedication to mastering the intricacies of the sport and your desire to provide athletes with the best possible coaching experience.

Maintaining Certification and Continuous Learning

Staying Updated

The world of weightlifting and coaching is constantly evolving. Staying updated with the latest techniques, safety guidelines, and industry trends is crucial to maintaining your certification’s relevance and effectiveness.

Engaging in Workshops and Seminars

Continuing education is a cornerstone of professional development. Participating in workshops, seminars, and conferences not only helps you stay current but also exposes you to new coaching methodologies and networking opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions

While prior coaching experience can be beneficial, it’s not always a strict requirement. The certification programs are designed to accommodate both newcomers and experienced coaches.

The timeline varies depending on factors such as your availability, study pace, and exam schedules. On average, individuals can complete the certification process within a few months.

Absolutely! A USA Weightlifting certification equips you to coach athletes of various ages and skill levels, from teenagers to senior citizens.

While some components of the certification process may be available online, certain aspects, such as the practical exam, are usually conducted in person to assess your coaching skills effectively.


In conclusion, the USA Weightlifting certification is your gateway to a fulfilling and impactful career in weightlifting coaching. It’s not just about gaining a certification; it’s about immersing yourself in the world of weightlifting, honing your coaching skills, and helping athletes achieve their goals safely and effectively. The benefits, knowledge, and recognition you’ll gain through this certification are invaluable assets that can pave the way for a successful coaching journey. 

So, if you’re passionate about weightlifting and aspire to make a difference in athletes’ lives, consider embarking on the exciting path of a USA Weightlifting certification. Your journey toward becoming a trusted and skilled weightlifting coach starts here.

Best Nitric Oxide Supplements

Best Nitric Oxide Supplements

Table of Contents

Nitric oxide (N.O.) is a vital molecule produced by our body, and it plays a crucial role in maintaining good health. It helps in relaxing blood vessels, regulating blood pressure, and improving circulation. Low levels of nitric oxide can lead to various health issues, including high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and erectile dysfunction.

If you’re interested in enhancing your athletic performance, you may have heard about nitric oxide supplements. While these supplements don’t actually contain N.O., they do include compounds like l-arginine and l-citrulline that can boost the body’s production of this important molecule. 

While the research on the effects of increased N.O. levels on athletic performance s ongoing and not conclusive, there is some evidence to suggest that it may be helpful for high intensity interval training (HIIT) and prolonged aerobic activity. 

Some athletes also use N.O. supplements for the “pump” and vascularity they feel during workouts. 

Why We Know What We’re Talking About

To help you navigate the world of N.O. supplements, we’ve tested and compiled a list of some of the best nitric oxide supplements on the market, taking into account ingredients, reputable brands, and the latest research. 

But why trust us? As certified personal trainers, we have extensive knowledge and experience in the field of fitness and nutrition. We understand the importance of using safe and effective supplements to support our clients’ health and fitness goals. Note that it’s always best to consult your physician before taking any new supplements, as many can interact with current medication or cause adverse effects if you have certain health conditions. 

When it comes to ranking the best nitric oxide supplements, we rely on our expertise and research to provide reliable recommendations. We take into consideration factors such as ingredient quality, dosage, and customer feedback to ensure that we are providing accurate and trustworthy information. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions for yourselves and for your clients about their supplement choices, and we take pride in being a reliable source of information in this area.

Here is a quick summary of our findings:

  • Best Pre-Workout Nitric Oxide: Transparent Labs Bulk Pre-Workout supplement
  • Best Nitric Oxide Supplement For Vascularity: Transparent Labs Citrulline powder
  • Best Nitric Oxide Supplement For Bodybuilding: Transparent Labs Nitric Oxide Capsules
  • Best Nitric Oxide Supplement For ED: VigRX N.O. Support

Best pre-workout nitric oxide













Citrulline Malate 


BetaPure™ Betaine Anhydrous



AlphaSize® Alpha-GPC

PurCaf® Organic Caffeine




BioPerine® Black Pepper Fruit Extract

With a scientifically-backed blend of ingredients, fully transparent labeling, and no artificial additives, this powder is the perfect choice for anyone looking to improve their strength, energy, and focus in the gym. Plus, with its proven ability to enhance muscle pumps, stamina, and lean muscle growth, BULK is the ultimate pre-workout supplement for serious athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike.

From my personal experience, the supplement helped me feel more energized and focused during workouts, allowing me to push harder and achieve better results. The supplement also has a good taste and mixes well with water or other liquids. While some customers feel that the supplement is too expensive compared to other pre-workout products on the market, I found the price well worth it.

Best nitric oxide supplement for vascularity











Transparent Labs Citrulline powder is made with high-quality ingredients and is designed to be easily absorbed by the body. It is a popular choice among athletes and fitness enthusiasts looking to enhance their workouts and improve their overall performance.

I recently tried Transparent Labs Citrulline powder, and I have to say I was impressed. Each scoop contains a whopping 2,000 mg of fermented L-citrulline, which can do wonders for increasing blood flow, muscle pumps, and recovery.

What’s great about L-citrulline is that it’s an amino acid that is easy for the body to absorb and convert into L-arginine, one of the building blocks of nitric oxide. This is why it’s become so popular in recent years as a top nitric oxide booster.

One of the things I found interesting about L-citrulline is that it was first isolated from the rind of watermelon, which is where it gets its name. And while the kidneys can store large amounts of citrulline but not arginine, citrulline is considered to be the most important endogenous regulator of nitric oxide production.

Best nitric oxide supplement for bodybuilding













NO3-T® Arginine Nitrate and Betaine Nitrate 

Setria® L-Glutathione 

Pine Bark Extract 

Vitamin C 


The TL Labs formula contains clinical doses of several hyperemic ingredients, including patented NO3- T® arginine nitrate and betaine nitrate, Setria® reduced L-glutathione, AstraGin™, pine bark proanthocyanidins, and vitamin C.

What I found most impressive was how quickly these ingredients went to work, bolstering my body’s nitric oxide production and facilitating robust blood flow to my skeletal muscle tissue during my workouts. This ultimately led to better performance and faster recovery times.

I particularly appreciated the inclusion of Setria® reduced L-glutathione, which is known for its antioxidant properties and ability to support immune health. And with pine bark proanthocyanidins and vitamin C added to the mix, I felt confident that I was getting a comprehensive blend of ingredients that could support my overall health and fitness.

Best nitric oxide supplement for ED













Velox (L-Citrulline, L-Arginine)


Magnesium Stearate


VigRX N.O. Support is a formula that contains a powerful, patented extract of L-Citrulline and L-Arginine in the maximum safe dose, providing you with the benefits of both amino acids. By taking VigRX N.O. Support regularly, you can likely improve blood flow to the penis, aiding with a symptom of ED.

The supplement was highly effective at increasing nitric oxide levels, which can lead to improved blood flow and better oxygen delivery to the muscles. I especially appreciated that the supplement is made with high-quality ingredients and is free from unnecessary fillers or additives. I also felt a vast mprovements in overall energy levels and recovery times when using the product.

Nitric Oxide Supplements and ED

Studies have shown that the combination of L-Citrulline and L-Arginine significantly improves blood flow and can enhance erectile function. In fact, research suggests that supplementing with just L-Arginine alone may be nearly useless, while the combination of both ingredients has been found to be highly effective.

Numerous studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of L-Citrulline and L-Arginine for improving blood flow and erectile function. One study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that a combination of L-Citrulline and L-Arginine significantly improved erectile function in men with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction.

Another study, published in the International Journal of Cardiology, found that combining L-Citrulline and L-Arginine improved blood flow and reduced blood pressure in healthy men. This study also found that the effects of the supplement were seen within just eight days.

Nitric oxide supplements for high blood pressure

As fitness professionals, we tend to stay in our lane in terms of supplement recommendations and as such won’t make a recommendation related to medical conditions such as high blood pressure. While we know many people take nitric oxide supplements for high blood pressure, it is generally under the care of their physician.

According to MayoClinic, here’s a summary of what they advise.

L-arginine supplements are sometimes taken by individuals to relax and widen their arteries, potentially helping to reduce blood pressure. However, these supplements are generally unnecessary and may only be beneficial for individuals who have a genuine deficiency.

Research on L-arginine has produced conflicting results. Recent studies suggest that L-arginine may decrease blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, and improve the overall health of blood vessels. A review of multiple studies revealed that adults with high blood pressure who took daily L-arginine supplements experienced a reduction in their diastolic blood pressure.

L-arginine may work more effectively in promoting heart health when used in conjunction with other vitamins, such as B6 and B12. However, more extensive and well-designed studies are required to confirm these results before experts can endorse regular use of these supplements.

L-arginine drug interactions

It is essential to be aware that L-arginine supplements can interact with certain medications, including blood thinners like aspirin and warfarin, specific diuretics, nitroglycerin, some high blood pressure medications, erectile dysfunction drugs, and diabetes medications.

Individuals who have experienced a heart attack should avoid taking L-arginine, as there are concerns that the supplement may increase the risk of death. Additionally, those with allergies and asthma should exercise caution when using L-arginine supplements.

Individuals who have experienced cold sores or genital herpes should not take L-arginine supplements, as excessive L-arginine levels may activate the virus responsible for these conditions.

Again, if you have high blood pressure and are interested in nitric oxide supplementation, consult with your healthcare provider.

Understanding the Role of Citrulline and Arginine in the Body

Here’s a brief primer on pre-workout supplements and nitric oxide supplementation and why we recommend a product that has high levels of citrulline, a key ingredient in in improving nitric oxide synthesis

These days, it can be challenging to differentiate between pre-workout powders and nitric oxide supplements, as they all appear to be identical. To verify this, you can simply walk into your local supplement store and browse through the pre-workout section, and you’ll quickly discover that every product has only minor variations in their components.

Many pre-workouts are “concentrated” formulas that deliver a small rush of “pseudo-energy” through the use of harsh stimulants. It’s no wonder that people feel like they “work.” (You might as well drink a pot of coffee before hitting the gym, which is more cost-effective and has similar effects.)


The issue with stimulant-heavy pre-workout formulas is that anything that stimulates the nervous system will constrict blood vessels, increase blood pressure, and counteract nitric oxide production. It’s acceptable to consume caffeine in moderation before working out, but consuming large quantities of stimulants will inevitably reduce the benefits of nitric oxide supplements.

L-Citrulline is a non-essential amino acid that is naturally found in watermelon, among other foods. It is also commonly used as a dietary supplement, particularly for its potential benefits as a nitric oxide supplement.

Nitric oxide is a gas that is naturally produced in the body and is involved in many physiological processes. One of its main roles is to dilate blood vessels, which helps to increase blood flow and oxygen delivery to the body’s tissues. This increased blood flow can improve exercise performance, reduce muscle soreness, and improve overall cardiovascular health.


L-Citrulline is converted in the body into another amino acid called L-arginine, which is a precursor to nitric oxide production. By increasing the availability of L-arginine, L-Citrulline can help to increase nitric oxide production and promote blood vessel dilation.

In addition to its potential benefits for cardiovascular and exercise performance, L-Citrulline may also have other health benefits. It has been studied for its potential role in improving erectile dysfunction and reducing symptoms of mild-to-moderate hypertension.

How to increase nitric oxide naturally

There are many ways to increase nitric oxide naturally, and below, we’ll explore some of the most effective ways.

Eat Nitrate-Rich Foods:
One of the best ways to increase nitric oxide is by consuming nitrate-rich foods, such as leafy greens, beets, and celery. Nitrate is converted to nitric oxide in our body, which helps in relaxing blood vessels and improving blood flow. You can add these foods to your diet by incorporating them into your smoothies or salads.

Exercise Regularly
Regular exercise is not only good for your overall health but also helps in increasing nitric oxide levels in the body. Exercise stimulates the production of nitric oxide synthase, an enzyme responsible for producing nitric oxide in the body. So, make sure to include regular physical activity in your routine, whether it’s through cardiovascular exercises or strength training.

Get Enough Sleep
Getting adequate sleep is essential for maintaining good health, and it can also help in increasing nitric oxide levels. During sleep, our body produces nitric oxide, which helps in regulating blood pressure and improving circulation. So, make sure to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night.

Reduce Stress
Stress can have a negative impact on our health and can also lower nitric oxide levels in the body. When we’re stressed, our body releases cortisol, which can damage blood vessels and decrease nitric oxide production. You can reduce stress by practicing relaxation techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga.

Increase Vitamin C Intake
Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that helps in increasing nitric oxide levels in the body. It works by protecting nitric oxide from free radical damage, which can decrease its availability in the body. You can increase your vitamin C intake by consuming foods like oranges, strawberries, bell peppers, and kiwi.

Consume Garlic
Garlic is known for its numerous health benefits, and it can also help in increasing nitric oxide levels in the body. It contains a compound called allicin, which helps in relaxing blood vessels and improving blood flow. You can consume garlic raw or cooked, or take a garlic supplement.

Increase Antioxidant Intake
Antioxidants are compounds that protect our body from free radical damage, which can decrease nitric oxide levels in the body. You can increase your antioxidant intake by consuming foods like berries, dark chocolate, and green tea.

Consume L-Arginine
L-arginine is an amino acid that helps in increasing nitric oxide levels in the body. It works by stimulating the production of nitric oxide synthase, the enzyme responsible for producing nitric oxide in the body. You can consume L-arginine through foods like turkey, chicken, pumpkin seeds, and peanuts, or take an L-arginine supplement.

Reduce Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol consumption can have a negative impact on our health and can also lower nitric oxide levels in the body. It can damage blood vessels and decrease nitric oxide production. So, it’s important to limit your alcohol consumption to maintain good health.

Benefits of Nitric Oxide Supplements

According to the study, Dietary nitrate supplementation improves team sport-specific intense intermittent exercise performance, the research indicates that taking N.O. supplements could increase the production of N.O. through the nitrate-nitrite-NO pathway. This, in turn, may improve performance on intermittent recovery, possibly by enhancing the uptake of glucose in muscles or by better preserving muscle excitability. Using N.O. supplements in one’s diet could benefit those who engage in intense intermittent exercise, particularly for players of team sports. It may serve as an effective aid to enhance performance.

Another study on walking, running, and high-intensity cycling showed similar results, with the conclusion that supplementation attributed to increased blood flow levels and improved physiological responses to exercise.

In another study, the results were less conclusive when analyzing performance enhancements from untrained versus highly-trained subjects. The level of training of the participants appears to be a significant factor in the relationship between the use of N.O. supplementation and its ergogenic effects. Research involving healthy individuals who are either untrained or have moderate levels of training demonstrated that N.O. supplements may enhance their capacity for both aerobic and anaerobic exercise. However, in the case of highly trained individuals who were given N.O. supplements, no positive impact on performance was observed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Nitric oxide itself will not make you bigger in terms of muscle size. However, nitric oxide supplements, such as arginine, may increase blood flow and oxygen delivery to the muscles, which can improve performance and potentially lead to increased muscle growth when combined with resistance training.

Nitric oxide supplements, such as arginine, can be taken in several different ways. The most common methods include:

  • Capsules or tablets: Nitric oxide supplements are available in capsule or tablet form, which are taken orally with water. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for dosage and timing.
  • Powder: Nitric oxide supplements are also available in powder form, which can be mixed with water or other beverages. Again, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for dosage and timing.
  • Pre-workout supplements: Many pre-workout supplements contain nitric oxide as one of their active ingredients. These supplements are usually taken 20-30 minutes before a workout to enhance performance.
  • Food sources: Some foods, such as beets and spinach, are naturally high in nitrates, which can be converted to nitric oxide in the body. Adding these foods to your diet can potentially increase nitric oxide levels.

It’s not easy to determine if your nitric oxide levels are low without undergoing specific tests. However, there are some signs and symptoms that may suggest that your nitric oxide levels are suboptimal. These include:


  • High blood pressure: Nitric oxide helps to relax and widen blood vessels, which can help to lower blood pressure. If your blood pressure is consistently high, it may be a sign that your nitric oxide levels are low.
  • Poor circulation: Nitric oxide plays an important role in promoting blood flow and oxygen delivery to the muscles and other tissues. If you experience cold hands and feet or have trouble with circulation, it may be a sign that your nitric oxide levels are low.
  • Fatigue and poor endurance: Nitric oxide is involved in the regulation of energy metabolism and may play a role in reducing fatigue and improving endurance during exercise. If you experience excessive fatigue or have trouble with endurance during physical activity, it may be a sign that your nitric oxide levels are low.
  • Erectile dysfunction: Nitric oxide plays a crucial role in promoting blood flow to the penis and maintaining an erection. If you experience difficulties with erectile function, it may be a sign that your nitric oxide levels are low.


If you suspect that you may have low nitric oxide levels, it’s important to speak with a healthcare professional. They can help to assess your nitric oxide status and determine the best course of action.

The timing of nitric oxide supplements may vary depending on the specific supplement and individual factors. Here are some general guidelines:


  • Pre-workout: Many people take nitric oxide supplements before a workout to enhance performance. It’s usually recommended to take the supplement 20-30 minutes before exercise to allow time for it to take effect.
  • Daily use: Some nitric oxide supplements may be taken daily as part of a general health and wellness regimen. In this case, it’s usually recommended to take the supplement with a meal to enhance absorption.

Before bed: Some research suggests that taking nitric oxide supplements before bed may help to enhance recovery and promote muscle growth. However, more research is needed in this area to determine the optimal timing and dosing.

How To Get Zumba Certified: Everything You Need To Know


Like TRX, yoga, and other group exercise techniques, you need certification to legally and effectively run a class or studio. 


As personal trainers ourselves, we know the drill. Let’s walk through how to get Zumba certified, including the costs and due process. You’ll need the right business sense, training, and attitude to begin.

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What is the Zumba Certification Process Like?

Getting certified is the only legal way to run an exercise class or studio. Fortunately, you can get a Zumba instructor certification in as few as ten hours. You must undertake the proper training and pay the certification fee before you earn your proof of mentorship. 


Your training, certification, and payments happen through It is the most authentic and legitimate site, so we recommend it. The training modules and license costs start at around $250 for the most basic plans. Advanced courses cost as much as $400. Thankfully, classes qualify for coupons, discounts, and promotions.


The prices for all courses are comparable, letting you customize your skills and expertise whether you can learn to be an instructor for kids or teach complex rhythms. You can even take your routine to the pool with an aqua Zumba certification


Each course has three learning options: on-site teaching, live virtual sessions, or modules that you can go through at your own pace. After completing your certification, you’re ready to turn Zumba into your own business.

Zumba License Renewals

A Zumba certification (called a license) is valid for six months after the training is completed. At that point, the instructor must renew one of two ways:

  1.  Become a ZIN™ Member: ZIN, or the Zumba Instructor Network, is Zumba’s version of continuing education that also helps to keep their instructors up-to-date on the latest routines and marketing materials.
  2. Retake the Basic Level 1 Instructor Training 


Is Zumba Certification All I Need?

Getting your Zumba certification online should always be the first step. While it is all you need to legally teach courses, it may benefit you to acquire additional skills. 


Remember that a fitness trainer needs critical skills for emergencies. Along with your Zumba prowess, you should prepare by earning a CPR certification from the American Red Cross or other providers. It costs only a fraction of the price of Zumba lessons, and being able to save a participant’s life is a crucial skill for any fitness expert. 


If you’re looking for more proof to bolster a resume or aid in advertising your classes, several Zumba-adjacent certifications will help. Try HIIT (high-intensity interval training), GEI (group exercise instructor), or an Fitness Mentors personal trainer title. Any of these additional merits will help expand your reach and integrate Zumba in new ways. 

After Certification, What Comes Next?

Once you’re Zumba certified, it’s time to decide what business model you’ll adopt and how you will teach your courses. There are four main options, covering both virtual and on-site spaces. 


Starting your own studio to teach Zumba is an ambitious but rewarding direction to pursue. You must pay advertising, utilities, and other operating costs on your own. Set aside money for hiring personnel and digital accounting programs to keep everything running smoothly. It’s expensive and takes time, but starting your studio puts you in complete control.


A popular alternative is to teach Zumba at a local gym or fitness center by renting their space. You get to skip out on utility costs and the price of furnishing your own space. However, you have to share it with others and abide by fitness industry regulations. 


The third option saves even more on operation costs by going virtual. As a live virtual Zumba instructor, you can run classes from the comfort of your home. However, this route isn’t free. You’ll still need to invest in advertising, management, and accounting software that keep everything running smoothly.


The final option is creating a hybrid Zumba course to your specifications. You can set up a 1-on-1 live session where you drive to meet your clients personally or a modular episodic system online.

What Will Make Me a Successful Zumba Trainer?

Beyond the Zumba certification requirements, you need to have an entrepreneurial mindset. Even though anyone can get Zumba certified in one or two days, it doesn’t guarantee a successful business. Additional attitudes, practices, and technologies will improve your chances of success. 


First, you need good marketing and management skills. Being a freelance Zumba instructor is akin to doing all the administrative work yourself unless you hire others. Helpful technologies like booking software can help you keep track of those who sign up for your classes, and other tools can help you manage your finances as you go.


Second, you need to stay physically fit and practice the craft often. Giving several classes per day with slight breaks takes excessive endurance. If you can’t keep up with the demands of being a trainer, you’ll bring less energy, excitement, and reliability to your students. That, in turn, may affect your business, so get yourself used to it before you start. 


Third, be adaptable and empathetic. Whether you like it or not, being a Zumba instructor involves helping people with various needs and conditions. You may have to change your teaching style or be patient with particularly slow customers. Accept people with varying levels of fitness, health, and commitment.


Let’s Dance

A successful Zumba class requires plenty of certification, patience, and initiative, but the result is rewarding. Motivated teachers rake in over $60,000 per year, turning a craft they love into a full-time position. is the best place to start on your journey toward your unique class or studio.


And if you want to become a world-class personal trainer, look no further than Fitness Mentors. We have everything you need to become a certified personal trainer or exercise coach. Get started today and turn your love of exercise into a profitable career. 

Everything You Should Know About TRX Training Certifications


What Is TRX Training?

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TRX stands for Total Resistance Exercises. It’s a workout method that relies on suspension straps to leverage gravity and your body weight to develop strength, coordination, and flexibility.

This method is growing in popularity. Randy Hetrick launched this system nearly 20 years ago after retiring from the U.S. Navy Seals. He is now CEO of a fitness company with $50 million in annual revenues.

TRX is a versatile workout method. You can take classic exercises like chest presses, pushups, or planks, and adapt them to use the TRX Suspension Trainer for a more challenging workout.

You can target different areas with this method, adapt your workouts to different fitness levels, and help clients achieve their personal goals. Plus, suspension training reduces pressure on articulations for a low-impact workout.


What You Should Know About the TRX Training Certification

Resistance training has several benefits, from helping you lose close to four pounds of body fat in only ten weeks to increasing bone density.

However, there are risks involved with resistance-based workouts. Studies show that these risks increase due to a lack of clear instructions or supervision.

Besides providing you with the knowledge needed to get the most out of this workout method, TRX training certifications ensure that you teach safe exercises and develop workouts adapted to the goals and levels of each client.

The TRX Certification Process

The TRX company offers different classes you can take to become a certified instructor. You can sign up for in-person or virtual TRX education classes.

In-person classes are available regularly in major US cities. Virtual classes can be a better option if you don’t want to travel or prefer completing the class at your own pace.

You’ll get started by completing the TRX Suspension Training Course or TRX Suspension Training Course: Virtual Edition 2.0. This class includes an introduction to the TRX workout method where you’ll also learn how to set up the equipment.

At the end of this class, you’ll be familiar with the key moves you can use with the suspension equipment and know enough to create personalized TRX workouts.

You’ll get a certificate of completion after taking this eight-hour class and will become a TRX Qualified Trainer.

If you want to take things further, you can sign up for an advanced class. TRX offers classes that focus on yoga, kettlebell training, or sports medicine. You can also sign up for a group TRX certification class.

The Benefits of TRX Certification

The TRX community includes over 300,000 fitness professionals. As TRX becomes more popular, taking a TRX suspension training course can help you stand out.

The fitness industry is going through some significant changes. There is a projected job outlook of 19%, and with less than 25% of adults meeting the CDC’s recommended guidelines for aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities, there is a strong market for growth.

As more Americans take steps to achieve a healthier lifestyle, fitness trends emerge. People want to have several options to choose from so they can try different workout methods and find something they enjoy doing.

With TRX, you can diversify your offering while presenting your clients with a workout method that yields results.

Obtaining a certification will help you create a safe environment where clients can explore this new way of working out. It will inspire trust and provide you with the tools you need to help your clients get the best results possible.

TRX instructor training is more appealing than other certifications since few other workout methods are as versatile. You can use TRX to offer full-body workouts or focus on strength, resistance, flexibility, cardio, and more.

Who Should Consider TRX Certifications?

There are no prerequisites for taking a TRX class. However, you should keep in mind that obtaining a TRX certification isn’t sufficient to offer your services as a certified fitness trainer. You’ll need to obtain a certification from a reputable organization like Fitness Mentors.

Read more: How To Become A Personal Trainer


Taking the entry-level TRX class can be a good option if you’re studying sports medicine and plan on becoming a fitness trainer.

It’s also a great option if you’re currently a fitness trainer and want to branch out by offering a new way of working out.

If you own a gym or work at one, you should consider taking the TRX group certification so you can offer a new class.

Final Words From A Certified Personal Trainer

The TRX, or suspension training in general, is a great tool for any trainer to have in their toolbox. It’s versatile, mobile, and opens the doors for a lot of effective regressions and progressions. 

Getting certified is a great first step in understanding not only all the potential uses of the tool, but how you can utilize to better train your clients. I use the TRX with both beginner and advanced clients; I’ll often use it as a way to regress and teach the squat, progress a push up for plank, and add variety to movements like rows, rear delt flys, and push ups.

Whether you’re currently a fitness trainer or preparing for a career in the fitness industry, obtaining a TRX training certification is a great way to stand out from other instructors.

However, it’s not the only step you can take to achieve your professional goals. From group classes to nutrition or marketing, Fitness Mentors offers a wide range of products designed to help you succeed in the fitness industry.

Get started with our Fitness Mentors Certification or take a look at our advanced classes!



Read on to learn more about TRX training.

Your TRX certification will not expire. However, we recommend keeping up with new classes released by TRX.

You can obtain a TRX certification by completing the eight-hour TRX Suspension Training course. However, you’ll also need a national certification from an organization like ACE or NASM to become a certified fitness trainer.

TRX is a proven method that is gaining in popularity. It’s a fun and low-impact way to take your workouts up a notch. It’s an option worth considering if you want to diversify what you offer to your clients.

Opening a Gym? Here’s an Ultimate Guide for 2024


Opening a gym can be an exciting and rewarding venture for first-time owners. However, it’s important to consider several factors before diving in. 

Here are some key considerations for opening a gym for first-time owners.

But first things first:

How Does a Gym Make Money?

According to data from Statista, the gym industry is on a rebound after a pandemic-led decline that hit in 2020. It hit its peak in 2018, bringing in $41.8 billion and currently is forecasted to hit $32.02 billion in 2022.


Of the sub-market of gym types, the data suggests that CrossFit gyms are the most common type to be profitable, followed by boutique/yoga gyms. This may be an important consideration in the event you are looking at opening a specific type of gym.


Gyms make money by charging members a fee for access to their facilities and equipment. Some gyms may also offer personal training services or classes, which can be an additional source of revenue. Some gyms may also generate revenue through the sale of branded merchandise or by renting out their facilities for events. Additionally, many gyms have partnerships with companies that offer discounts to employees, which can bring in a steady stream of new members.


On average, gyms in the United States make an annual revenue of $846,827.05 with their owners taking home just north of $70k per year.  


Below, let’s look at some of the other factors that can make a gym more profitable.

Related: Guide to Renting Gym Space for Personal Training

Gym Location Considerations

The location of your gym is crucial to its success. Ideally, it should be easily accessible to potential customers and have plenty of parking. It’s also important to consider the competition in the area and whether there is a need for another gym.

Gym Equipment


The equipment you choose for your gym will depend on the type of gym you’re opening and your target audience. It’s important to invest in high-quality equipment that is safe and well-maintained. You should also consider offering a variety of equipment to cater to different fitness levels and goals.


The cost of gym equipment can vary greatly depending on the type and quality of the equipment. Basic gym equipment, such as dumbbells and a bench, can cost a few hundred dollars, while more advanced equipment, such as a treadmill or exercise bike, can cost several thousand dollars. It’s important to research and compare prices from different vendors before making a purchase.

Look to wholesale equipment providers who may actually allow you to purchase well-maintained used equipment to help save money.

Gym Staff


Hiring the right staff is crucial for the success of your gym. Look for experienced and knowledgeable professionals who are passionate about fitness and can provide high-quality customer service. It’s also important to provide ongoing training to ensure that your staff remains up-to-date on the latest fitness trends and techniques.


According to insights from Precor, the following roles are common to most gyms:

  • Membership sales manager
  • Operations manager
  • Maintenance personnel
  • Front desk staff
  • Trainers


It should go without saying that you’ll want top-notch trainers to help maintain a solid clientbase and enjoy the margins of premium services like personal training.


Look to reputable personal training certification bodies like Fitness Mentors for certifications created to help your trainers excel in the following areas:

Gym Marketing

Effective marketing is essential for attracting new customers to your gym. Develop a marketing plan that includes a variety of tactics, such as social media, email marketing, and traditional advertising. You should also consider offering promotions and special deals to attract new members.


This is a position that can be internal to the company or outsourced to specialists. 

Finances: The Cost to Open a Gym

Running a gym is a significant financial investment, so it’s important to carefully plan your budget and finances. This includes not only the upfront costs of equipment and rent, but also ongoing expenses such as staff salaries and utilities. It’s also important to plan for unexpected expenses and have a backup plan in case of financial setbacks.


In this scenario, it’s best to have a well-established business plan to guide you along the way. Involving financial professionals will help with forecasting and other financial factors, such as monthly carrying costs.

Legal Requirements for Opening a Gym

The specific legal requirements for opening a gym will vary depending on the location of the gym and the type of services it will offer. In general, however, there are several key legal considerations to keep in mind when opening a gym. These may include obtaining necessary business licenses and permits, complying with zoning regulations, and ensuring that the gym meets all relevant safety and health standards. 


It may also be necessary to obtain liability insurance to protect the business in case of accidents or injuries on the premises. It’s always a good idea to consult with a lawyer and local authorities to ensure that you are in compliance with all applicable laws.

Opening a Gym Franchise

A gym franchise may be a safer way for some to get into the gym space. They have a proven brand, and potentially of more importance, proven processes that you can adopt that have already been optimized.


According to data from NerdWallet, the a few of the best gym franchises include the below:


Anytime Fitness

  • Initial franchise fee: $3,150 to $42,500
  • Estimated total initial investment: $58,870 to $521,437


Orangetheory Fitness

  • Initial franchise fee: $54,950 to $59,950
  • Estimated total initial investment: $563,529 to $999,121

Planet Fitness

  • Initial franchise fee: $20,000
  • Estimated total initial investment: $1 million to $4.1 million


To open a gym franchise, the first step is to research different gym franchise opportunities and choose a franchise that aligns with your interests and business goals. Once you have selected a franchise, you will need to complete the franchise application and meet any franchise-specific requirements, such as attending training sessions or completing certification courses. Of course, an initial franchise fee will be included.


After your application has been accepted, you will need to secure a location for your gym and obtain any necessary licenses and permits. Once you have completed these steps, you can begin the process of setting up your gym, which may include purchasing equipment, hiring staff, and marketing your business to potential members. 


It’s important to closely follow the franchise’s guidelines and procedures to ensure the success of your gym.

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Opening a Gym FAQ

Data suggests opening a gym can be profitable. The gym industry as a whole is is forecasted to hit $32.02 billion in 2022. The average gym owner makes over $70,000 a year, and the market is expected to grow 8.7% per year.

The cost of opening a gym will vary depending on a number of factors, including the size and location of the gym, the types of equipment and services offered, and the business model (e.g., whether it is a franchise or independent gym). In general, however, it is common for the startup costs for a gym to range from $65,000 to $115,000. These costs may include expenses such as leasing a space, purchasing equipment, hiring staff, and obtaining necessary licenses and permits.

According to data from, Planet Fitness ranked as the number one fitness franchise to own.

Gyms owners make $70,109/year on average, according to data from ZipRecruiter.

Owning a gym can be stressful, as with any business venture. There are many challenges and responsibilities that come with running a gym, including managing staff, maintaining equipment, marketing the business, and ensuring that the gym is operating safely and profitably. 

Additionally, gym owners may face competition from other gyms in the area, which can add to the stress of running the business. However, for many people, the rewards of owning a gym, such as being able to help people improve their health and fitness, can outweigh the challenges. Ultimately, the level of stress associated with owning a gym will depend on the individual and their approach to managing the business.

Opening a gym is a big decision that requires careful planning and consideration. By considering factors such as location, equipment, staff, marketing, and finances, first-time gym owners can set themselves up for success and provide a high-quality fitness experience for their customers.

Running Coach Certification: Which Is Best For You?


But if you want to go beyond personal training and train others by becoming a running coach, you’ll need to get certified.

So which type of running coach certification should you choose? In this blog, we’ll compare the different running coach certifications available so you can make the most informed decision.

Here are the certifications we’ll cover:

If you are looking for an analysis on personal trainer certifications to add to your running coach certification, click the link. 

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What Does A Running Coach Do?

A running coach is responsible for helping others improve their running technique, performance, and overall health. They may work with beginner runners who are just starting out or experienced runners who are looking to improve their times.


Running coaches typically work one-on-one with clients, but they may also teach group classes or lead training programs.


Certifications can be earned through different running organizations, such as USA Track and Field (USATF) or the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA). Next, we’ll take a look at the different types of running coach certifications available through these organizations.

Best Running Coach Certifications

There are several different organizations that offer running coach certification, each with its own requirements and curriculum. But in general, most running coach certifications will require you to take a written exam and pass a practical skills test.

Here are some of the top running coach certifications for you to choose from.

ISSA Certified Running Coach

The International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) is a well-renowned fitness certification provider. Its running coach certification is one of the most popular in the industry and our top choice for this particular education.

To become an ISSA-certified running coach, you must first meet the following requirements:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • An active CPR certification
  • Possess a high school diploma or equivalent

The cost is around $400 but has some extra perks compared to most. Not only is the final exam open book and untimed, but you can also study at your own pace. It also includes all the topics other certifications may separate into different courses – making it a bit more of an “all-in-one” option. Additionally, ISSA provides unlimited support, even once you’re already certified.

The course covers topics such as running mechanics, training principles, human anatomy, programming, and injury prevention. Upon completion of the course, you’ll take a 100-question multiple-choice exam.

Register for the ISSA Certified Running Coach course here.

RRCA Running Coach Certification

The Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) offers two running coach certifications: Level 1 and Level 2. Level 1 has more of an adult distance running focus, while level 2 dives into more scientific and psychological components of coaching.

The prerequisites to getting your Level 1 certification include:

  • Experience in running
  • An introductory video module that must be viewed
  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Must have at least a high school diploma
  • CPR and First Aid certification within 60 days of certification.

The fee for the Level 1 course is $335 and is limited to 35 participants in each class.

In order to complete the Level 2 course, you must be Level 1 certified for at least 12 months (though you can start it earlier, but can’t be officially certified until you’re at 12 months). You’ll also need to provide proof of coaching experience.

The total cost to complete level 2 is around $650.

Register for the RCCA level 1 course here.

UESCA Running Coach Certification

The United Endurance Sports Coaching Academy (UESCA) has a high standard of coaching education. The running coach certification consists of 22 online training modules that rely on a scientific approach to running coach education. Topics range from Anatomy and Biomechanics to even shoe and apparel selection.

Like with ISSAs running coach certification, UESCA’s creates a comprehensive course that doesn’t require different levels.

To be eligible for the running coach certification, you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old

They have no education requirements – not even the expectation that you know anything about coaching yet.

The cost is $499 and includes lifetime access to the material, as well as business and marketing training. Because many of UESCA’s certified coaches train virtually, they do not require a CPR certification (but recommend one if you plan to coach in-person).

Register for the UESCA Running Coach Certification here.

McMillan Coaching Certification

The McMillan running coach certification is an online course focusing on the “art and science” of running. Topics include the role of a coach, the science and history of running, training philosophies, safety, and the business side of coaching.

The course is self-paced, so you can complete it at your own pace (though they recommend taking no longer than three months to complete it).

Like with the UESCA course, there are no prior prerequisites.

The cost for the course is $399 and includes access to the online course material, mentorship with a McMillan coach, monthly webinars, and lifetime access to the online course community.

Register for the McMillan running coach certification here.

USA Track and Field Running Coach Certifications

USA Track and Field (USATF) offers three levels of running coach certifications. The Level 1 course, which is also used for recertification, is certified by the National Council for Accreditation of Coaching Education (NCACE). This course teaches you the fundamentals of coaching, including safety and risk management.

Requirements to take the Level 1 course:

  • Must be 18 years of age or older
  • Must have a USATF membership

Registration for level 1 is a little over $200

Level 2 focuses more on the technical aspects of coaching and the ability to develop coaching plans and allow athletes to strive in a positive environment. In order to apply for level 2 coaching, you must already hold the Level 1 certification and have a minimum of 3 years of running coach experience.

Level 3, the highest of the USATF coaching programs, patterns with the World Athletics Academy and includes some of the best instruction focusing on specific events (like sprints/hurdles, throws, jumps, etc.). Level 3 requires Level 2, a minimum of 5 years of running coach experience and current active coaching status.

Register for the USATF Level 1 course here.

Which Running Coach Certification Is Right For Me?

Now that you know the different running coach certification programs available, which one is right for you?


The answer to this question depends on your previous experience, budget, and goals. If you’re starting from scratch with no coaching experience or education, a better option might be UESCA. While ISSA might be a great choice if you have at least a high school degree.


One thing to pay close attention to is the comprehensive courses vs courses that contain different levels. While having different levels as part of your future title may give you a competitive edge, it also requires additional coursework that a full program would not.


FAQs On Running Coach Certifications

There is no definitive answer to this question. While running coach certification programs are a great way to start, you don’t necessarily need one to become a running coach.


If you’re serious about becoming a running coach, start by reading as much as you can on the subject, attending running clinics and workshops, and volunteering or working with a local running club or team. Certification programs are definitely the ideal way to go to get the expertise needed and the credentials to be reputable.

This is another difficult question to answer as running coaches can make a wide range of salaries, depending on their experience, location, and the type of clients they work with. In general, running coaches who work with elite athletes or those who have the potential to compete at a high level can command higher salaries. The average annual salary of a running coach ranges from $63,000 – $100,000, depending on your state.

This is something you will need to check with your local laws and regulations. In some cases, running coaches may be required to carry liability insurance. This is typically the case if you’re working with clients one-on-one or in small groups.


If you’re volunteering with a local running club or team, they may already have insurance that covers coaches. It’s always best to check with the organization you’ll be working with to find out their requirements.

The amount of time it will take you to become a running coach depends on your previous experience and education, as well as the running coach certification program you choose.


Some programs, like UESCA, can be completed in as little as eight weeks. Whereas, other programs, like ISSA, can take up to six months to complete depending on the pace you set for yourself.

Best Life Coach Certification: How To Get Certified And Other Questions Answered


This article will answer some of the most common questions about life coaching certification, including what it entails, how to get certified, and the different types of certification available. We’ll also include our most frequently asked questions compiled at the end for ease.

Ready to learn about becoming a certified life coach? Let’s dive in!

Best Life Coach Certification
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What Is A Certified Life Coach?

A certified life coach (sometimes called a lifestyle coach) is a professional who helps clients set and achieve personal or professional goals. Life coaches work with clients to identify areas of their life they would like to improve and then create action plans to help them reach their goals.


Most life coaches are not licensed or regulated by any specific governing body, but many choose to become certified to show potential clients that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to help them succeed.


There are several life coaching certification programs available, each with its own requirements, curriculum, and cost. Many life coach certification programs can be completed entirely online, although some may require in-person training or an internship component. We’ll get more into those later.


What Does Life Coach Certification Entail?


The requirements for life coach certification vary depending on the program you choose. However, most life coach certification programs will require you to be 18 years of age, possess at least a high school diploma, complete a certain number of hours of training, pass an exam, and/or have a minimum amount of coaching experience.


Some life coach certification programs also require you to abide by a code of ethics or participate in ongoing education to maintain your certification.


How Do I Become A Certified Life Coach?


The first step to becoming a certified life coach is to choose a life coaching certification program that meets your needs and requirements. Once you’ve selected a program, you’ll need to complete the necessary training hours and pass any exams required for certification.


Once you’ve met all the requirements for your chosen life coach certification program, you’ll receive your official life coach certification.

Our Top Life Coach Certification Options

There are many different life coach certifications available, so it’s essential to choose the one that’s right for you. Here are our top choices for becoming life coaching certified. Some are ICF-accredited, and some are not, so it’s important to know and understand which you’d prefer. Before we get into the certifications, here is a briefing on what this accreditation means:


What is ICF Accreditation?


The International Coach Federation (ICF) is the leading global organization for life coaches. They offer an accreditation program that life coach certification programs can choose to go through.


ICF-accredited life coach certification programs must meet specific requirements, including a minimum number of training hours, a code of ethics, and ongoing education requirements.


Becoming ICF-accredited is voluntary for life coach certification programs but can be beneficial for both life coaches and clients. For life coaches, ICF accreditation can lend credibility to your business and coaching practice.


Clients may feel more confident working with an ICF-accredited life coach, knowing that they have met high standards for coaching education and training.


Now that we’ve established what that means, here are our top courses:


Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC)


The Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) is one of the most popular life coach certification programs available. iPEC offers an ICF-accredited all-inclusive program that gives you all of the tools you need to become a successful life coach.


Priced at just under $14,000, the program includes three intense, three-day training experiences as well as 200 ICF-accredited training hours to give you hands on experience. The program also includes webinars, workbooks, and assignments.


Upon completion, you will earn not just one but three certifications. These include

  • Certified Professional Coach (CPC)
  • Energy Leadership IndexTM Master Practitioner (ELI-MP)
  • COR.E Dynamics Specialist

The Co-Active Training Institute (CTI)


The Coaches Training Institute (CTI) offers an ICF-accredited comprehensive life coach certification program that can be completed entirely online. The CTI life coach certification program includes over 100 hours of training, including an internship component.


To become certified through CTI, you’ll need to complete the Co-Active Process course, which provides for fundamentals, fulfillment, balance, process, and synergy – and then apply for a 6-month certification program.


The prerequisite Co-Active Process course including fundamentals runs about $8,000. The 6-month certification is about $6,500, bringing the total to around $14,500.


Integrative Wellness Academy


The Integrative Wellness Academy life coach certification program offers two different options: Life Coaching Certification and Master Life Coaching Certification. The main difference between the two is the Master program is an extension of the regular certification, allowing you to become more successful. Taking the Master Life Coaching certification is not required to be certified.


The curriculum includes all of the fundamentals of life coaching including active listening, progress management, relationships, coaching plans, healing modalities, and more.


This course is one of the lesser priced, costing just $1,200 for the entire 6-month course, and doesn’t have any prerequisites. It’s important to note, however, that this one is not ICF accredited like the two above.


ISSA Health Coach

If you’re looking to go the health coach route, which is essentially a life coach focused on health, ISSA may be the choice for you.


International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) is a well-known organization in the fitness industry, and their Health Coach Certification Program is one of the more comprehensive life coach certification programs available.


The course is designed to provide you with everything you need to know about health and wellness coaching, including the science behind it.


The Health Coach Master program, which includes additional training on more topics like nutrition, exercise recovery, and weight management, is priced at $2,388. The only drawback is that it is not ICF accredited.

Choosing The Right Life Coach Certification Program For You

When choosing a life coach certification program, it’s important to consider your budget, schedule, and coaching goals. If you’re looking for a life coach certification that is affordable and flexible, an online program may be the right choice for you.


If you’re looking for a life coach certification that will give you the most comprehensive training, an in-person program may be the better option. And if you’re looking to become certified through the most well-known life coaching organization, the ICF, then you’ll need to choose a life coach certification program that is accredited by the ICF.


No matter which life coach certification program you choose, becoming a certified life coach can help you take your coaching business to the next level.


Life Coach Certification FAQs

The International Coach Federation (ICF) is the largest and most well-known life coach certification organization. Being ICF accredited means that a life coach certification program meets the ICF’s strict standards for quality and excellence.

An online life coach certification program is a flexible option that can be completed entirely online. An in-person life coach certification program may provide more comprehensive training but is less flexible.

A life coach helps their clients achieve personal and professional goals, while a health coach helps their clients improve their physical health and well-being.

You can be a life coach without certification. However, life coach certification can help you build credibility and attract clients, so it’s definitely worth educating yourself and being formally certified.

There are no formal qualifications required to become a life coach. However, many life coaches have a background in counseling, psychology, or social work.

It depends on the life coach certification program you choose. Some life coach certification programs can be completed in as little as eight weeks, while others may take up to a year to complete.

Personal Trainer Job Outlook 2024: What To Expect In the Coming Years


If you’d like to find out more about the potential for a personal trainer, we’ve got you covered. In this blog, we’re going to be looking at things like:

  • Personal Trainer Job Outlook Over The Next Few Years
  • Best Gyms To Work For Across The United States
  • Salary Expectations For Different Certifications
  • Trends That May Offer New Opportunities For Personal Trainers
  • Other Things You Can Do With A Personal Training Certification
  • Personal Trainer Job Outlook FAQs

Looking to get certified? We can help you there, too. Check out our blog on becoming a personal trainer – included are some discounts on different certifications!

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Viable Career Paths in 2024

There are plenty of great career paths you can take with your personal trainer certification – the most advantageous path being online training. This option has huge pros over working for a gym, as you’re able to have and maintain your own clients and from anywhere.


Another option is working for a gym. Here is a list of some of the gyms to work for across the United States, especially with continued education and becoming a Master Trainer. But remember – with this option, you’re generally limited to clients that are local to you and may not have as much opportunity.


For the most detailed information on personal trainer salaries across different gyms, check out this blog on which gyms pay the most.


As a summary of that post, here are some of the best gyms to work for across the United States:

  • Equinox
  • 24-Hour Fitness
  • LA Fitness
  • Anytime Fitness
  • Crunch Fitness
  • YMCA
  • Planet Fitness


Online Training vs In-Person Training

As a personal trainer, you may be wondering if it’s worth your time and effort to start offering online training services. After all, there are many advantages to working with clients in person – it’s often easier to build a stronger rapport, get a better sense of your client’s fitness level and goals, and provide faster feedback on technique.


However, there are also several advantages to offering online training services. First, it’s a great way to reach a wider audience of potential clients beyond those who live in your area. Secondly, online training can be more convenient for both you and your clients since they can train from the comfort of their own homes and you don’t need to meet with them at specific days and times. Finally, online training can be more cost effective for both you and your clients.


So, which is the best option for you? Ultimately, it depends on your own preferences and goals. Online training may be the way to go if you’re looking to build your own business, live a flexible life, reach a larger audience or offer more convenient services. However, if you prefer working with clients in person, or work with clients who need more personalized attention, in-person training may be the better option.


You can also consider the hybrid approach and offer both services within one package to better cater to your client’s preferences.

Salary Expectations For Personal Trainers

There are many different certifications that personal trainers can get: Fitness Mentors (FM), National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), the American Council on Exercise (ACE), International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA), and National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF).

The median annual salary for a certified personal trainer is about $65,566 per year, depending on location as well as how you plan to train. In a gym, you’ll split your rates with them, so you might make less than you would if you were a private trainer.

It’s also important to keep in mind that personal trainers with more experience will always earn more money than those who are just starting out, regardless of their certification or career path. So, if you’re looking to maximize your earnings as a personal trainer, make sure to get plenty of experience under your belt.

Quiz: Which Personal Trainer Certification is Right For You?

New Opportunities For Personal Trainers

The personal trainer job outlook is positive for the coming years. This is because more and more people are becoming health conscious and are looking for ways to improve their health and fitness.


One viable option for personal trainers to have great success is group personal training. This is where personal trainers work with small groups of clients, rather than one-on-one. This is a great way for personal trainers to earn more money, as they can charge per session, rather than per hour.


Another great career path is online personal training. This is where personal trainers work with clients online, through email, Skype, or other similar platforms. This is a great option for personal trainers who live in rural areas or who have busy schedules.

Read more: How To Become An Online Personal Trainer in 2022

Other Things You Can Do With A Personal Training Certification


While the personal trainer job outlook is positive, there are other things you can do with a personal training certification, especially when you do continued education to further specialize. Here are some of the most popular:


  • Nutrition Coach
  • Life Coach
  • Weight Loss Specialist
  • Senior Fitness Specialist
  • Conditioning Specialist
  • Yoga Instructor
  • Pilates Instructor
  • Kickboxing Instructor
  • Group Fitness Instructor
  • Sports Performance Coach


The personal trainer job outlook is positive for the coming years and there are many new opportunities emerging for personal trainers. If you’re thinking of becoming a personal trainer, now is a great time to do it. There has never been a better time to enter the field.


If you’re already a personal trainer, consider specializing in an area that is of interest to you. This will not only make you more valuable to your clients, but it will also make you more marketable and allow you to earn more money.

Personal Trainer Job Outlook FAQs

The personal trainer job outlook is positive for the coming years. This is because more and more people are becoming health conscious and are looking for ways to improve their health and fitness.

There are many different certifications that personal trainers can get, like the Fitness Mentors (FM) CPT, but the most popular are the NASM certified personal trainer, ACE certified personal trainer, ISSA certified trainer and NSCA certified personal trainer.

The average salary for a personal trainer varies depending on many factors, like experience, location, and certification. However, the average salary for a personal trainer is $42,000 per year.

Some of the trends that may offer new opportunities for personal trainers include group personal training, online personal training, and specialization.

Move-To-Earn: 8 Games That Pay You Crypto For Working Out


Move-To-Earn: 8 Games That Pay You Crypto For Working Out

Last Modified On:

Move-to-earn games (aka move-to-earn crypto or move-to-earn NFTs) are the up-and-coming way to reward players with cryptocurrency just for working out. These games use technology to track players’ movements, so you can literally earn just by going about your normal fitness routine.

Here, we’re going to go over what exactly move-to-earn games and eight of the very best move-to-earn games that pay you crypto for working out! 

We’ll dive right into the games, but if cryptocurrencies, NFTs or Blockchain games are new to you, scroll to the bottom to learn more about them.

Top Move-to-earn games

  1. MetaGym (MGCN)
  2. STEPN (GMT)
  3. Genopets (GENE)
  4. Dotmoovs (MOOV)
  5. Sweatcoin (SWEAT)
  6. Step (FITFI)
  7. OliveX (DOSE)
  8. Calo (CALO)



Table of Contents


What Is Move-To-Earn?

Move-to-earn, or M2E, is a new way of using technology to reward people for getting up and moving their bodies. Move-to-earn games are a great way to earn cryptocurrency – a form of decentralized digital currency that has been growing in popularity in recent years. 

Some of the move-to-earn games require you to make an NFT purchase beforehand. If you need a briefing on cryptocurrencies or NFTs, scroll down.

M2E Crypto Games And Their Currencies

Each game will work a little bit differently, but most games involve earning move-to-earn cryptocurrency by completing in-game tasks like finishing a workout, walking or winning a race.  Here are our top eight games for you to earn with!

1. MetaGym ($MGCN)

MetaGym is the first exercise to earn gym in the Metaverse! It comes complete with a corresponding mobile application, smart watch application and its own polygon-based cryptocurrency ($MGCN). It also includes Fit-fi, Sleep-fi, and Game-fi features.


In MetaGym, users are equipped with NFT Metaverse avatars known as MetaGym Buddies, can perform cardio, log health behaviors, and complete fitness challenges to earn MetaGym Coin ($MGCN). The cryptocurrency can be used to level up and mint new NFT clothing, power-ups, and upgrades.

MetaGym allows you to earn cryptocurrency based on the completion of different tasks. These can include cardiorespiratory training, strength and resistance training, and even getting adequate sleep. You can earn up to 100 $MGCN per day by completing all of your modalities. You can even lease your avatar to earn from others’ exercise efforts or sell characters directly in the app.

With the common goal of helping the world become a healthier place, MetaGym has created a lucrative move-to-earn NFT opportunity that leverages exercise, health, and community involvement to foster the growth and success of each individual’s fitness journey.


STEPN is a Web 3 Lifestyle app and move-to-earn NFT game that rewards you for completing workouts. You can earn GMT tokens by walking, running, cycling, and more. The more you move, the more GMT you can earn.

You can use your GMT tokens to buy in-game items, such as new avatars and upgrades. Or, you can even trade your GMT tokens on exchanges or use them to invest in other cryptocurrencies.

With its easy-to-use interface and great rewards, STEPN is a great move-to-earn game for those looking to get started with cryptocurrency.

3. Dotmoovs (MOOV)

Dotmoovs is a move-to-earn NFT game that allows you to earn MOOV tokens by completing workouts. With its Augmented Reality (AR) feature, you can even complete workouts in real-world locations and get rewarded for it.

Dotmoovs uses “moov points” to track your progress and rewards. Currently, you can participate in freestyle football and dance, with more to come. You can use the points you earn to purchase in-game items, like avatars or upgrades. You can also use them to enter competitions and leaderboards to win prizes.

With this AI-driven app, you’re refereed by AI as well, so everything is monitored and fraud detection algorithms are implemented.

This is another great move-to-earn game for those who want to get fit and have fun while doing it.

4. Sweatcoin (SWEAT)

Sweatcoin is a move-to-earn game that rewards you for walking and running. For every 1,000 steps you take, you earn SWEAT. You can then use your SWEAT to buy things in the Sweatcoin marketplace, such as electronics, fitness gear, and gift cards. 

In Q1 of 2022 alone, Sweatcoin participants exchanged 70 million dollars worth of goods and services in the marketplace in exchange for their movement.

You can also use your SWEAT to invest in cryptocurrency or other assets. For example, you can use your SWEAT to purchase tokens from the popular blockchain-based company, Ripple.

With its easy-to-use app and community focus, Sweatcoin is a great move-to-earn game for anyone looking to stay healthy and get rewarded for it.


5. Genopets (GENE)

Boasted as the world’s first move-to-earn NFT game,  Genopets is a pet-raising game that allows you to earn GENE tokens by using movement to care for your “spirit animal” that evolves through your daily engagement. The better you take care of your pet, the more GENE you can earn.

By traveling through the Genoverse, you’re challenged to upgrade your Genopet NFT by transforming your movement into GENE. You can sell your GENE to other players or trade your NFTs in the marketplace. You can also use your move-to-earn cryptocurrency to enter competitions and participate in leaderboards.

With its community focus, Genopets is a great move-to-earn game for anyone looking to socialize and get rewarded for physical movement.

6. Step (FITFI)

Step App is another move-to-earn fitness app where you compete in the Metaverse through augmented reality and turn your fitness goals into income with friendly competition.

You’ll start by selecting a SNEAKs NFT and using it as your workout gear to move and earn cryptocurrency. You can also make non-Sneak purchases like skins. You can run against your friends or strangers and compete for a cryptocurrency pool.

Running while staking your SNEAKs earns KCALs, which is the in-game cryptocurrency.

Step App is a great way to move-to-earn because you’re not only getting paid to work out, but you’re also having fun and competing with others.

7. OliveX (DOSE)

OliveX is a move-to-earn app where you earn DOSE for walking every day. Your movement is tracked by the app and converted into tokens called DOSE. You can then cash in your DOSE for rewards like gift cards, products, or a donation to charity.

You can also participate in challenges and leaderboards to win prizes. OliveX is a great move-to-earn game for anyone looking to get healthy and get rewarded for it.

Simply use the app to move your way up levels, which gives you access to new games and challenges. You can also use your DOSE to buy in-game items, like new clothes for your avatar or upgrades.

8. Calo (CALO)

Calo is a move-to-earn app that rewards you for working out. Equip yourself in an NFT sneaker, and start moving. Participate in weekly and monthly challenges, or work out on your own in Single Mode.

For every minute you work out, you earn CALO. You can then use your CALO to purchase things in the Calo marketplace, such as fitness gear, workout programs, and nutrition plans.

You can also use your CALO to invest in other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. With its easy-to-use interface and community focus, Calo is a great move-to-earn game for anyone looking to make fitness fun and rewarding.

So Why The M2E Hype?

Here are just a few of the reasons why move-to-earn games are becoming so popular:

  • They’re a great way to get paid for doing something you’re already doing – working out.
  • They offer a fun way to earn cryptocurrency, which is growing in popularity these days.
  • They’re a great way to get a little extra motivation for working out, as you can earn more by moving more.
  • They offer an easy way to get started with cryptocurrency, without having to invest any money.
  • They can be a fun and social way to work out, as many move-to-earn games have leaderboards and other ways to compare your progress with others.
  • Move-to-earn games also play off the interest, and success, of play-to-earn games. Check out this resource on how they work to do a deep dive.

All of these factors are coming together to create a perfect storm of hype around move-to-earn games. So if you’re looking to get involved with move-to-earn to earn some extra money or build your crypto portfolio, now is definitely the time.

Some Common M2E Vocabulary

What Is Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that uses cryptography to secure transactions, control the creation of new units, and verify transfers. Some examples of popular cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.

Cryptocurrency is decentralized, which means it isn’t subject to government or financial institution control.  These digital funds are often traded on decentralized exchanges and can also be used to purchase goods or services.

What Is An NFT?

An NFT, or non-fungible token, is a type of cryptocurrency that represents something unique. They are often used to represent things like rare game items, collectibles, and other valuable digital assets.

Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, which can be interchanged, NFTs are non-interchangeable and each one is the only one of its kind. This means that they can’t be traded for other cryptocurrencies or goods, but can only be used to purchase a particular item or service.

One example of an NFT in the wild is CryptoKitties, which allows people to purchase, trade, and breed virtual cats. These virtual cats are each unique and can’t be interchanged, making them a perfect example of an NFT.

Many of the move-to-earn games utilize cryptocurrencies and NFTs, combined with blockchain technology.

What Are Blockchain Games?

A blockchain game is a video game that uses blockchain technology to store game data on a decentralized ledger. This means that the game data is not stored on a single server, but on many different servers around the world.

Because blockchain games are decentralized, they offer several advantages over traditional video games. For one, they are much more secure – since there is no central server, it is incredibly difficult for hackers to tamper with the game data.

Another advantage of blockchain games is that they can offer players true ownership of in-game items. In traditional video games, the game developers own all of the items that players acquire in games. However, with blockchain games, players can truly own and trade their items – a huge benefit for gamers!

Lastly, blockchain games tend to be more fair and transparent than traditional video games. Because the game data is stored on a decentralized ledger, it is impossible for game developers to manipulate the data. This means that players can be sure that they are getting a fair game, especially when it comes to earning cryptocurrencies through their movements.

Get Started With M2E Games Today

Now that you know a few move-to-earn games, you might be wondering how to get started. Here are a few tips:

  • Choose a game that fits your interests. If you’re looking to get healthy, then MetaGym, Sweatcoin, or OliveX might be a good choice. If you’re looking for friendly competition, then Step or Calo could be a better fit.
  • Make sure to pay attention to the details of the game. This includes how you earn and spend cryptocurrency, what content is available in-game, and whether there are any community features like leaderboards or chatrooms.
  • Download the app. Once you’ve chosen a move-to-earn game, download the app and create an account. You might need to link a fitness tracker or other device to start tracking your activity.
  • Start playing and moving! The more you move, the more cryptocurrency you’ll earn. Use your cryptocurrency to buy in-game items, enter competitions, or cash out for real-world rewards.

Whether you’re looking for a way to socialize, get healthy, or make some extra money, there are plenty of move-to-earn games out there to suit your needs. So why not be a pioneer of this exploding fitness trend by trying one today to start earning crypto for working out?